What a Boy Wants

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Book: What a Boy Wants by Nyrae Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nyrae Dawn
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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Guys have it easy. Everything is much harder for girls.”
    “Pfft. Let’s not go there. We’ll just get in an argument again.”
    The room was quiet for a few minutes before she spoke. “So, is everything okay? It’s not like you to get so upset about something like that.” Her voice was all soft and caring and I immediately felt like a wuss. What was I supposed to say? Some dude who, if I’m honest with myself, looks like a nice guy wants to marry my mom and I’m pissed about it? Oh, and on top of that, I’m confused about you right now. I didn’t think so. There was no way those words were passing my lips.
    “What do you mean, is everything okay with me? You’re the one who said you have stuff going on right now. What is it, Woodstock? Do I need to beat someone up? Toilet paper a house? You name it, and I’m there.”
    “Smooth move on the subject change.”
    “Right back at ya.”
    Aspen sighed. “No, there’s nothing you can do. It’s—complicated. I love that you asked though.” Her cheeks went a little pink, getting a smile out of me. I’d never seen her blush like that before.
    “You know I always have your back.” I scratched my head and realized I had pizza sauce in it. “I gotta get cleaned up real quick. I feel like a friggin’ calzone. You should hang out though.” I shrugged.
    She glanced at her watch and I noticed her nails looked shiny like she had something on them. I’d never noticed that on her before. “Sure. I have time.”
    After pulling some clothes out of my drawers I ran into my bathroom. I didn’t stay in until I pruned like I usually did because I’d feel like a jerk making her wait. Five minutes later, a sauce-free Sebastian came out of the bathroom. I had on black, baggy basketball shorts that went down past my knees and no shirt.
    “Um, are you going to put on any clothes?” Aspen had her shoes off as she leaned against my headboard. A little chill must have come in from my window because shivers suddenly rolled down my spine.
    Her cheeks went pink again.
    Oh. Ooh! “You think I’m hot, too!” I practically shouted.
    When her eyes bugged out, I realized I’d added the too on there. I couldn’t think of a cover so I decided to embarrass her instead. “It’s okay.” I rubbed my stomach. “These abs have been known to bring down much tougher girls. I won’t tell anyone you want me.”
    “You wish! I was thinking more along the line of your mom coming home and seeing you in your room alone with me, no shirt, and your boxer-briefs hanging out of your shorts.”
    My eyebrows raised and my heart started to beat faster. “You’re taking your shirt off? Hell yeah.”
    Aspen launched herself off the bed and toward me. I easily caught her, and tackled her to the bed. My legs straddled her middle as I held her arms above her head. “I told you. I’m a ninja. Your tricks don’t compare to my Jedi skills.”
    She tried to twist, but I held on to her. “Let me go.”
    “Not until you admit I kick ass.” Actually, I just wanted to hold onto her a little longer. She was so soft beneath me. Smooth, female skin that drove me wild.
    She bucked, her breathing coming out heavy and that’s when I realized what a huge mistake this was. This was Aspen and I was totally loving the feel of her. Totally savoring it. She smelled like cinnamon and it was so much better than the floral stuff girls usually wore that it kind of hit me like a sock to the gut. It was suddenly all I could focus on. Her scent and feel. What the hell?! I jumped off her before she could realize I was enjoying it a little too much. This felt way different than BFF stuff.
    First thing tomorrow, I was making some phone calls. I obviously needed some quality time of the female variety.
    “You gave up.” She sat up, smoothing her hair down and straightening out her baby blue t-shirt. It wasn’t like a guy

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