shuddered under the impact. Glasses fell to the floor, splintering into pieces as silver cutlery clanged after them. “You’re ruining my fucking day just by saying his name so if you know what’s fucking good for you and your precious prince, don’t ever say his fucking name in my presence again.”
He stiffened at the sound of his name on her lips. It felt too right, and that was what made it so goddamn wrong. Emotions that went too far and too deep imploded inside him, and Staffan snatched the dinner napkin from his lap and threw it on the table. “This fucking isn’t going anywhere.”
Before she could react, Staffan had gotten to his feet and was stalking away. Saffi hurried after him even as she wondered numbly if running was good for her baby. By the time she reached the parking lot, Saffi was desperate, half-running and half-walking now, knowing she had little time left to make it to Staffan’s side.
“Wait, please!” She caught hold of his arm from behind and bit back a gasp as he nearly flung her aside in an effort to get away from her. The sun was setting behind Staffan, and it cast a fiery glow around him, forcing Saffi to look away. It was as if the whole world was conspiring against her, making Saffi feel that she no longer had any right to be in Staffan’s life.
“You don’t have to worry,” Staffan snarled as he turned away from his car to face her again. “I’ll fucking marry you tomorrow because your goddamn family has left me no choice.”
“We don’t have any choice either,” she whispered. “Please understand---”
“I fucking understand everything now,” he hissed. “I know that you’re a slutty bitch---”
“No!” Gazing up at Staffan, willing him to look at her eyes to see the truth, she said tremulously, “You know it’s not like that---you know I’m not like that, Staffan. You know that. You’re just blinded by your anger.” Her voice aching with the sobs she was doing her best to keep inside her, Saffi choked out, “I never made love to Jeremy. Please, please believe me. I’ve only been touched by you---”
“Then why, Saffi?” His low agonized tone made Saffi’s head jerk up. “Give me a reason that I’ll believe in. Make me understand why the fuck you didn’t tell me about the baby the first time you learned about it, tell me why the fuck you went to buy a pregnancy test with that royal asshole if he wasn’t the father of your baby.” He looked at her, and all the pain and anger in his eyes translated to his words as he shouted, “TELL ME WHY.”
He gripped her shoulders hard. “Give me a fucking good reason to not feel like all kinds of a fool tomorrow, when the reporters find out we’re getting married and everyone knows your baby’s not mine.”
“I was scared!” The words were torn out of Saffi, and she started to cry. “I’m sorry for lying, but I was just scared. After everything that happened to us, I just wanted some time to make you love me more---”
“STOP LYING!” He shook her so hard with each word that Saffi knew his touch would leave bruises. “I know everything now, so stop lying. Your prince dumped you because you were a commoner. He has a princess now, so the fact that you’re a senator’s daughter doesn’t mean shit to him. And because of that, you thought it would be better to have me as your backup daddy---”
“No. No! No!” She tried to shrug his hold away but he didn’t let go, forcing Saffi instead to lift her hands up within the cage of his arms. She cupped his face and this time, she was the one not letting go. She would never let him go, and Saffi needed him to see
Cat Miller
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Stieg Larsson
Jim Keith
Ana María Machado
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Sarit Yishai-Levi
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Viola Grace