Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?

Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? by Kate Pearce Page B

Book: Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? by Kate Pearce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Pearce
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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    He slid a hand between her legs, his smile intimate, his voice even more so. ‘It’s as hot as hell in here and twice as inviting. If you get cold, just call me and I’ll be happy to warm you up.’
    He slid one long finger inside. Lauren tried to mask her instant response but he knew. He brought his mouth closer and bit down on the curve of her hip bone. ‘I love it when you’re swollen and wet from me. I love being able to touch you like this whenever I want.’
    Lauren tried to keep still as he curled his finger and unerringly located her G-spot. ‘Are you sore?’ he murmured. She shook her head. ‘Well, you will be if I make love to you again.’ He pulled her panties up her legs and smoothed them into place. ‘Let’s wait until after breakfast. We have the whole morning.’
    Chasing chickens, cleaning out horse stalls and mixing animal feed before the sun even peeped over the horizon gave a woman an appetite. Lauren almost moaned with greed as Grayson expertly flipped a pancake and added it to the growing stack beside him. Eggs and bacon sizzled in the other pan and coffee bubbled in the percolator.
    Lauren took a deep breath and surveyed the homely scene. She could get used to this. A man to make love to her all night and cook her breakfast in the morning. If only he knew how to do the laundry and clean toilets . . . With a mental shake, Lauren sipped at her tea. She had no doubt that Grayson could do those things but asking him would indicate an interest she had no desire to encourage.
    Grayson brought the warm plates to the table and sat opposite her. His checked blue shirt highlighted the unusual colour of his eyes.
    ‘Eat while it’s hot,’ he ordered.
    Lauren decided not to take offence at his tone seeing as he had done the cooking. The least she could do was show her appreciation. After a substantial silence when all Lauren could think about was food, she glanced across at Grayson.
    At home, her father always pestered her with questions as to what she intended to do with her day. Her mother chimed in with gentle criticisms of Lauren’s table manners. With previous boyfriends, she’d always felt the need to chat to fill the awkward silences.
    Grayson put down his coffee mug. ‘You’ve been staring at me for the last five minutes. Have I got egg on my chin or something?’
    ‘I was just thinking how restful you are.’
    Grayson laughed, a deep rumble that started in his chest. ‘I’ve never been told that before.’
    ‘But you are, or at least, that’s how you make me feel.’ Lauren hastily grabbed her fork and started eating. Yet again, she’d said something stupid. What was it about him that made her relax her barriers?
    ‘It’s probably because I’m at peace with myself for the first time in my life. I’m doing something I love,’ Grayson said slowly. ‘If you can pick that up from me, why can’t my father? He still thinks I’m sulking down here.’
    Lauren studied her empty plate and fought a losing battle with her curiosity. She understood his desire to find a job he loved, a lifestyle that made him happy. ‘Doesn’t he approve of your decision to live out here?’
    Grayson stood up and began to stack the plates. ‘No, he doesn’t. Mainly because I didn’t choose to do what he did. That’s all it took.’ He scraped the plates into a bucket and opened the dishwasher.
    Lauren scrambled to help. For some reason she wanted to comfort him. ‘I know how that feels. My dad still tries to direct my life even though I’ve started my own business and bought my own apartment. I guess I’ll always be his little girl.’
    She started loading the dishwasher as Grayson finished cleaning the table.
    ‘My father wants a clone,’ Grayson said. ‘But I didn’t choose to become a lying cheating much-married bastard.’
    He dropped the cutlery into the plastic basket with a crash. Lauren studied his face. Perhaps that explained why he wanted to stay married. She could only

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