Where Love Has Gone

Where Love Has Gone by Harold Robbins Page B

Book: Where Love Has Gone by Harold Robbins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harold Robbins
Tags: Fiction, Action & Adventure
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different from the young girls of my time. But then Nora is an only child and I had her late in life.”
    “It’s the war. We’re all very different.”
    “Nonsense. I hear that all the time,” she said sharply. “It’s poppycock. Your generation isn’t the only one that fought a war. Mine did. And so did the young people of my parents’ generation.”
    I could have argued about that but I didn’t. “Your daughter is very talented,” I said again. “Professor Bell often told me that talent isn’t always the easiest thing in the world to understand, or to live with.”
    Her eyes brightened in amusement. “You’re a nice young man. I hope you’ll come to see us again. I have a feeling that you’ll be very good for us.”
    “I hope so. But I’m going back overseas. Perhaps we’ll make it when the war is over.” She looked directly into my eyes. “It may be too late then.”
    I guess the astonishment showed in my face, because she grew even more amused. I reached for a cigarette.
    “I’ve heard you were a very promising young architect before you went into the service, Major Carey.”
    “Apparently you don’t miss very much, Mrs. Hayden.”
    “I try not to, Major Carey. It’s very important for a helpless widow to keep her eyes open.”
    I started to protest. Helpless widow indeed! Then I saw her smile again and I knew she was having me on. “What else did you find out about me, Mrs. Hayden?”
    “Before the war you applied for a position with Hayden and Carruthers. They were quite impressed with you.”
    “The Army was more impressed.”
    “I know that, Major Carey,” she said. “I also know your war record—”
    I held up my hand. “Spare me that, Mrs. Hayden. What are you getting at?’
    She looked directly at me. “I like you, Major Carey,” she said. “Under the right circumstances there could be a vice-presidency for you at Hayden and Carruthers.”
    I stared at her. That would be starting at the top. Pretty good for a guy who never held a job after graduation. Hayden and Carruthers was one of the leading architectural concerns on the West Coast.
    “How do you know that, Mrs. Hayden?”
    “I know,” she said quietly. “I own the controlling interest in the firm.” “And what would you consider ‘the right circumstances’?”
    She glanced at the doorway and then back at me. Her eyes were bright and steady. “I think you already know the answer.”
    Just then Nora came back into the room. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.” “Not at all,” I said.
    “The Major and I were having a most interesting little chat, Nora.”
    I caught the quickly curious glance Nora threw at her mother. I looked down at the old lady.
    “Many thanks for the dinner, Mrs. Hayden,” I said formally.
    “You’re quite welcome, Major. You just think about what I said.” “I will, ma’am. And thank you again.”
    “Goodbye, Major.”
    “Night, Mother,” Nora said.
    Her mother’s voice caught us at the door. “Don’t stay out too late, dear.”
    I caught the fragrance of Nora’s perfume as she settled back in the seat. It bugged me. It wasn’t the kind of perfume one wore to a business meeting.
    “Where to?” I asked.
    “Lower Lombard Street. I’m not taking you out of your way, am I?” “Not at all.”
    She moved closer and I felt her hand on my arm. “Did Mother talk about me?” “No.” I wasn’t exactly lying. Or for that matter, telling the truth. “Why?”
    “No reason,” she said casually. We drove silent for a few blocks.
    “You’re not really due back at the Presidio by eight thirty, are you?” “No,” I said. “What about you? Can you get out of your date?”
    She shook her head. “Not now. It’s too late.” She hesitated. “It wouldn’t be fair. You understand, don’t you?”
    “I read you loud and clear.”
    She looked at me. “It’s nothing like that,” she said quickly. “I didn’t say anything.”
    I stopped the car for a traffic

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