Where the Wind Blows

Where the Wind Blows by Caroline Fyffe Page B

Book: Where the Wind Blows by Caroline Fyffe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caroline Fyffe
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    There it was again. The voice of the angel. Chase had heard it on and off during the night. He’d tried to drag himself out of the black hole he found himself in, to follow it, but it was proving very difficult.
    “You were so kind to come back and help me with Sarah. I can never repay you for that. You are sweet and caring. You did for us what only a father or husband would do. No—more than that, a hero. No, even more, a saint! And now, because of your generosity, you’re hurt.”
    The angel’s voice was sad. It tore at his insides. Maybe he was dying and she was here to take him to his just reward. Heaven or hell—it didn’t matter as long as she’d be there with him. He struggled to open his eyes. He wanted to see her.
    She sat close, only a boot length away. Her head was bent, with her forehead cradled in one of her hands. With the back of the other she brushed away silent tears.
    “Don’t,” he whispered. “Don’t fret over a saddle bum like me.”

Chapter Ten
    “You’re awake!”
    Trying to focus, Chase stared at her trembling mouth. The angel turned out to be the slip of a girl he remembered from his dreams. She seemed to be happy he was awake. He managed a wobbly smile.
    “Yes. I have some right here.”
    She cradled his head gently and held a cup of cool water to his parched lips. She was gazing at him like a calf at feeding time. Fully conscious now, Chase realized he was bare chested, with only his long johns between him and the world. Worst of all, his head was trussed up like a churchgoing woman in her best Sunday hat.
    “We don’t know. You went out hunting and got shot. That was yesterday.”
    “And Cody?”
    “Either he came back on his own or some Indians brought him. We aren’t sure. Gabe took him this morning to get the deer you killed before you were ambushed. He’ll be back anytime now.”
    Chase relaxed. “Good. You’re going to need that meat.”
    The boy was already proving his worth. Bone tired, Chase sank farther into his pillow. It was as if he hadn’t slept in a month—no, a year. Maybe he’d close his eyes for just a moment…
    With Chase conscious again, Jessie felt certain he’d taken a turn for the better, and she was able to look to the future with a lighter heart. When he fell into a restful sleep, she took the opportunity to check on Sarah and tidy up the cabin.
    The little girl was still sleeping in her bed, holding tight to her dolly. Her hair glistened in the morning light cascading through the windowpane.
    Jessie carried a chair over to the china hutch. Climbing on top, she pushed an old kerosene lamp carefully to the side and felt around the top of the cabinet until her fingers touched a rectangular tin can. She brought down the tobacco container, placed it on the table, and opened the lid.
    A small daguerreotype of Nathan was there from when he’d served in the cavalry. Jessie picked it up and looked at his kind face. Sheepishly, she thought that with everything happening so fast the last two days, she’d not even mourned him for a moment. She didn’t even know where he was buried.
    “I’m sorry.” She ran her finger across his image.
    Placing it aside she looked at Nathan’s father’s silver pocket watch. On the day they’d been married Nathan had given it to her and told her it was worth a good sum. He instructed her to put it away in hiding in case of emergencies. Now, she took out the money on the bottom of the tin and counted it carefully. Fourteen dollars and forty-six cents. Not much for the months to come, but enough—if she was prudent.
    If possible, she’d buy some dried apples and make some pies to sell at Hollyhock’s Mercantile. Mrs. Hollyhock had said she’d sell any baked goods Jessie brought in. Folks in town thought it a real treat to buy something already baked and ready to eat. She’d check and see if the store had any dried apples in stock the next time she went to town for

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