White Chocolate Moments
    The comment made Arcineh laugh. When Daisy joined her, they got shushed in the library, but at lunchtime, Daisy proved to be right. Even though Arcineh was sitting with both Daisy and Bryn, Landon sought her out and asked if he could sit down.
    "Sure Arcineh agreed, hoping he couldn't see how hard her heart was pounding.
    "R.C., right?"
    "What do the R and C stand for?"
    Arcineh was opening her mouth to answer when he cut in. "Don't tell me--let me guess. Rachel Catherine?"
    Arcineh laughed, and he knew he was wrong.
    "Okay, how about Renee Crystal?"
    Arcineh was still giggling, and Landon was in his element. Rena, Rita, and Rose came out of his mouth, as did Callie, Corrie, and Connie. Not until he threw his hands in the air, did Arcineh find enough air to stop laughing and speak.
    "They're not initials:' she explained. "Arcie is short for Arcineh." "Arcineh?" he repeated.
    "It's Armenian. My mother was Armenian:'
    "What's your full name?" Landon asked with such charm that Arcineh almost told him, but she remembered just in time that she didn't like the sound of her full name.
    "What's your full name?" she countered.
    "You probably already know:' Landon's voice was dry. "I know you're a third:'
    "Then you also know that my family has a complete lack of imagination. Three generations and that's the best they can do:'
    Again Arcineh laughed. Daisy and Bryn had done their own share of laughing, and Landon was clearly entertaining them all. But his eyes continued to stray back to Arcineh's face.
    Lunch ended much too swiftly by Arcineh's standards. With Daisy and Bryn trailing them, talking behind their hands all the while, Arcineh and Landon walked together back to class. By the end of the school day they had decided to work on a project together, and Arcineh's heart was over the moon.
    "What have you found out?" Sam asked of Mason, long after both men should have left the office downtown.
    "The houses in that neighborhood are not selling very well just now. It would probably be best to wait until spring," Mason answered. What he wanted to say was that it was too soon. He didn't feel that selling Arcineh's home should happen this close to her loss, but he knew better than to add this.
    Silence fell over the room. Mason was weary and wanted to go home. He'd come into the office at 6:30 that morning, and it was now after 9:00. His commute was only 20 minutes, but he still wanted to leave now and climb into bed. It had been a long week.
    "Let's leave it for now," Sam said, standing. He didn't speak on the subject again, leaving Mason to surmise that he was done for the day, but gathered his effects and started toward the elevator.
    By the time Sam got home, it was closing in on 10:00. The house was dark and quiet. Coming in at this hour was not all that unusual for Sam--he was married to his work--but since Trevor and Isabella's death, he'd curtailed some of his regular habits. He realized he should have at least called and talked to Arcineh, but he hadn't thought about it until just this moment.
    He was climbing the stairs, more than ready for bed, when he realized he needed to give Violet a raise. He'd asked her to take on a
    great responsibility with Arcineh in the house and had yet to compensate her. Sam was still running numbers in his head when he entered his bedroom, turned on the light, and found Arcineh smack in the middle of his king-sized bed. She didn't so much as move a muscle, not even with the light on, and Sam laughed a bit. Not until he'd gone into the bathroom and made some noise did Arcineh stir.
    "Hey, you," Sam spoke softly when he came back to the bed and found her trying to sit up. "Did you have a bad dream?"
    "No." Her voice was croaky with sleep. "I just missed you:'
    "Why didn't you go down and see Violet?"
    "She had a date Arcineh said around a huge yawn. All fatigue fell away from Sam. He watched in silence as Arcineh crawled from the bed and began moving toward the door. Her

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