Why You Should Avoid Exercise
    The Truth: Diabetes risk is made worse by minimizing carbs and by doing exercise.
    2 : The Cholesterol Myth
    The Myth: A low cholesterol diet is healthier than a high cholesterol diet.
    The Truth: The higher the cholesterol (whether in your diet or in your body) the better for health.
    3 : The Exercise Body-fat Myth
    The Myth: Exercise Burns Body-fat.
    The Truth: Exercise does not burn or use up a single calorie of body-fat.
    4 : The Low Fat Diet Myth
    The Myth: A Low-Fat Diet Helps You Lose Weight.
    The Truth: Insufficient fat in the diet dramatically increases surplus body weight.
    5 : The Fish Oil Myth
    The Myth: Fish oil supplements and oily fish can provide valuable nutrition in the human diet.
    The Truth: Fish oil supplements and all kinds of oily fish should always be avoided as they are bad for health and cause obesity.
    6 : The Fasting Myth
    The Myth: Fasting or intermittent-fasting helps you lose weight.
    The Truth: Fasting or intermittent-fasting is unhealthy, causes illness and makes you put on weight.
    7 : The Eating Less Myth
    The Myth: Eating less helps you lose weight.
    The Truth: Eating less galvanizes hormones that make you store more body weight.
    8 : The Low-Carb Diet Myth
    The Myth: A low-carbohydrate diet is healthy and helps you lose weight.
    The Truth: A low-carbohydrate diet is unhealthy and makes you fatter.
    9 t: The Ketogenic Diet Myth
    The Myth: A Ketogenic Diet is healthy and helps you lose weight.
    The Truth: A Ketogenic Diet does nothing to help you lose weight; it is unhealthy and should be completely avoided.
    10 : The Muscle Loss Myth
    The Myth: Restricting carbs or calories (or intermittent fasting) does not make you lose muscle.
    The Truth: Restricting carbs or calories (or intermittent fasting) does make you lose muscle, including heart muscle.
    11 : The Fiber Myth
    The Myth: A diet high in fiber has many health benefits.
    The Truth: A diet high in fiber is unhealthy, the less fiber the better for health.
    12 : The Grains, Beans & Vegetables Myth
    The Myth: Most grains, beans and vegetables are healthy and provide valuable nutrition.
    The Reality: Most grains, beans and vegetables are unhealthy and should be avoided.
    13 : Dietary Restrictions Myth
    The Myth: A low-carb or low-fat or low-calorie diet can help with weight loss.
    The Reality: Dietary restrictions are counter-productive and make you gain weight. A high-carb, high-fat, high-calorie diet is best for good health and weight loss.
14: The Weight Loss Myth
    The Myth: Eating less and exercising more helps you lose weight.
    The Reality: Eating more and exercising less is the key to losing weight as this turns on lipolysis, the body's own secret weight loss weapon.
    To find out more about these myths and other subjects mentioned in this book please go to www.deliveredonline.com and look for " The Lipo Diet ".



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