Wild Hearts
accusingly at Damascus. "But why did you have to wear that today? I distinctly remember you said you were saving your green dress for when the dashing Laird of Cessford came," she said with venom. At that moment, Shannon came in, also wearing a green gown. She was instantly annoyed and, with hands on hips, was just about to demolish the other two with a tongue lashing when Tabby coughed to gain their attention. They all swung around to stare at the intruder; another vision in green. Young Alexandria's crack of laughter rent the air as she surveyed the other girls. She wasn't vain and took great delight in pricking and bursting her sisters' vanity. "Oh, you're priceless! You must all have heard the rumor that redheads look their best in green."
    Damascus shuddered delicately at her sister's crude laughter. "I am not a redhead. My hair is Titian."
    Venetia said, "And mine is auburn."
    "For God's sake, stop being such mealymouthed hypocrites. Everyone in this room has screamy-colored hair, and there isn't a damned thing we can do about it," scoffed Alexandria.
    "She's right." Shannon laughed, her good nature restored.
    Alexander came up to Tabby and softly said, "Let me escort you to dinner, away from the rabble." She smiled at him, and his heart turned over.
    Some of Tabby's fear was beginning to evaporate. She knew she must explain to these Cockburns that they were doing wrong and that they must be persuaded to return her to Edinburgh. She hesitated because she couldn't get a word in edgewise; and also because there were so many of them that the thought daunted her. Perhaps she would be wise to try to win them over to her side, one at a time.
    A twenty foot oak refectory table spanned the dining room. Servants were everywhere, carrying in water, wine, pewter plates, and huge trenchers of food. Paris was already seated at the head of the table. As the girls arrived, he hid a grin and managed to say smoothly, "A study in green, I see." He received withering looks from his sisters, while Tabby looked down at her fingers to hide the laughter in her eyes. She couldn't believe the amounts of food Paris and Troy consumed. Everyone took whatever he or she desired; there was no-polite waiting to see what the other diners might want. Their voices rose in a mixture of laughter, questions, answers and arguments. Tabby was fascinated by this family. Her study of them took paramount attention over the food, which was unusual for her; she had been hungry all her life.
    "Dammit, Troy, I had my eye on that partridge for our guest. She's hardly eaten a thing," protested Alex.
    All eyes were turned on her now. Alexandria spoke up quickly, "I have been thinking. It's not really fair for Tabbycat to be against all of us, so I've decided to be on her side, against the rest of you."
    Shannon spoke up, "I will. I'm the eldest!"
    "It was my idea, Shannon. It should be me because I'm the youngest."
    Paris listened to the byplay.without comment.
    "I have the most authority," Shannon stated firmly.
    "I'm the brainiest," shouted Alexandria.
    "I'm the prettiest," Shannon countered.
    "You mean, you're the bitchiest!" spat Alexandria.
    Shannon smiled slowly at Alexandria because she knew she had the last word. "And you're the plainest!"
    Tabby gasped. "Oh, that was cruel!"
    They looked at the newcomer with horror and immediately closed ranks. "Shannon isn't cruel. It was just a game of wits. What do you know about it, anyway?"
    Paris came to her rescue. "The Cockburns are clannish. Touch one and you touch all." He glared at his siblings.
    Alexandria smiled across at her. "You stood up to Shannon for me. That took guts. She only spoke the truth, though. I've always stood fourth"— she sighed—"now I'm fifth."
    Tabby was amazed at the change in her feelings. She was beginning to like her captors. Not Lord Cockburn, of course, for he was a dangerous man, but his brothers and sisters, spoiled and selfish though they were, fascinated her. How she would have

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