
Wildcat by Cheyenne McCray Page A

Book: Wildcat by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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    “Ooooh, a man who’s great in bed and knows how to whip up a meal.” Catie moved to the breakfast bar and eased up onto a stool. “If you clean, too, I think I’ve struck pay dirt.”
    Jarrod grinned as he turned on the grill, then grabbed a stoneware plate out of the cabinet. “I have a housekeeper who comes in a couple of times a week.”
    “Even better.” Mischief sparked in Catie’s eyes. “Leaves more time for all that great sex.”
    His gaze met hers. “Better watch it, honey, or dinner’ll be late.”
    “Promises, promises.” Her voice was teasing, but her nipples poked through his shirt. He had no doubt she’d love it if he fucked her right there in the kitchen.
    She cleared her throat. “So…you actually like to cook?”
    With effort, Jarrod reined in his lust and took the steaks out of the package. “I have nothing against going out for a meal or heating up something in the microwave.” He slapped the steaks onto the stoneware plate and seasoned them liberally with salt and pepper. “But sometimes I find it kinda relaxing to cook up a good meal, like Mom makes.”
    Catie enjoyed watching Jarrod as he fixed their dinner. The man was powerful and sensual, in command of his environment no matter where he was. Even in the kitchen.
    He looked so damn sexy in only his jeans, his chest bare and hair mussed. Her palms itched to touch him again, and she couldn’t wait to breathe deep of his masculine scent, or to feel his cock plunging inside her pussy. She grew wetter by the moment as she remembered how it had felt to have him inside her core, and her ankles up around his neck.
    For awhile she was silent while she studied him, his muscles rippling in the soft lighting. With efficient movements he cut up potatoes and placed them in a pot with water to boil, then started putting together a salad with fixings he grabbed from the fridge.
    Cocking her head to the side, she asked, “I’ve been wondering what you were doing on my ranch that night we, ah, met.”
    The corner of his mouth quirked into a smile as he chopped a tomato on a cutting board. “When you were being a Peeping Tomasina?”
    “Peeping Tomasina, huh?” A giggle escaped her before she could stop it. “Don’t tell me you were being Tom.”
    “Not intentionally.” He tossed the tomatoes into a bowl with lettuce greens. “I was out doing investigative work. Trying to see if I could come up with some leads on those damn rustlers.”
    “Ah.” Catie propped her elbow on the breakfast bar as she watched him, her chin resting in her hand. “So, tell me about your family. Like how many sisters you have.”
    “Three.” Jarrod gave her a quick grin as he tossed the steaks onto the grill. “I’m the oldest. I think that’s what got me interested in law enforcement—I was always on the lookout for those girls. They were bound and determined to get into as much trouble as possible, and I was determined to keep them out of it.”
    “Uh-huh. An overprotective older brother.” Catie smiled at the thought of Jarrod chasing off his sisters’ boyfriends. “I have one of those. Steve made it known that if any guys messed with me, he’d kick their asses.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Needless to say, it was not real good for my social life, considering Steve was one of the buffest jocks in school.” Of course he’d done saved her ass once, too.
    Was it her imagination, or did Jarrod’s eyes narrow at the mention of her brother’s name?
    But Jarrod just nodded and gave her a quick grin. “I bet he had to kick a lot of ass to keep the guys away from you.”
    “Yeah, right.” Catie snorted. “I didn’t develop as fast as most girls, so I was more like one of the guys. At least until I was a junior and my boobs actually decided to grow, even if it was just a little bit.”
    Jarrod’s eyes shot from the steaks to Catie. “You’re perfect.” He set down the fork he’d been holding, and in just a couple of

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