Wine & Roses

Wine & Roses by Susan R. Hughes Page A

Book: Wine & Roses by Susan R. Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan R. Hughes
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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It’s true that I’ve achieved the success I always dreamed of with my writing. But I also imagined I’d be settled in a home with my husband and kids by now. I was so ready for it, prepared to make up for all the mistakes my parents made with me. But look at me now—I have the house but I’m living alone there, a child-less widow. Certainly not what I pictured.”
    “You’re lonely?”
    Her shoulders jerked up, as though she were reluctant to admit it. “I have my friends, but they go home to their own families. I feel a bit left behind.”
    “Life is full of possibilities.” Compassion for her pressed on Jason’s heart. “Something unexpected and wonderful could be around the corner. There are always new dreams to find and fulfill, if you can leave the past where it belongs.”
    “You could take your own advice.” Abby cast a sideways glance toward the hotel.
    “I could, yes,” he admitted.
    A ghost of a smile touched her lips, and she glanced down at her elegant gown. “You know, all this really isn’t me. Remember how I looked when you first walked into The Roses? That’s how you’ll find me most days, dressed for comfort. It’s fun to be glamourous once in a while, but it’s not my world.”
    She clasped her hands tightly together, as though afraid he might be disappointed. Quite the opposite was true.
    “I’m the same way, Abby. I invited you here because you’re the only person I could think of whose company would make this evening tolerable.”
    Her smile broadened as her hands relaxed. “I hope I’ve achieved that.”
    “Without a doubt.” Drawing her to him, Jason held her gently, stroking her back as he planted a soft kiss on the bridge of her nose.
    She smiled up at him, her cheeks rosy. “You know I’ve got another party to go to next Friday in Toronto, a little launch party for my new book.”
    “Are you looking forward to it?”
    “Not really. It’s nice to be recognized, but I’m uncomfortable being the focus of attention. I find it stressful, actually.”
    “If you insist on looking this gorgeous, you’ll have to get used to the attention.” His hand drifted up to settle at the back of her neck.
    “I won’t be dressed to the nines like this. We’ve rented one of those harbour cruise boats.”
    “Sounds nice.”
    “All my friends will be there. Having them there helps to put me at ease. You could come, too. If you’re free.” Her dark lashes swept up as her gaze searched his, the setting sun sparking flecks of gold in the depths of her amber eyes.
    Jason hesitated, growing uneasy. If he hadn’t meant to get deeply involved with Abby, accompanying her to an event attended by her close social circle would rapidly unravel that plan. True, he’d already kissed her passionately in front of high society, but that was different; the people at the gala weren’t Abby’s friends. Escorting her to this more intimate party, where he’d be introduced to the people who truly cared about her, would surely mean something more. The thought of it set his mind scrambling for escape.
    “I’m pretty busy at the winery,” he said. It wasn’t a lie; he’d been planning to catch up on some work he’d been neglecting, and he had a late meeting scheduled with his distributor that he shouldn’t cancel. “But call me after you get back, and we’ll have a celebratory dinner.”
    Abby’s smile faltered, uncertainty filtering through her expression. “Sure. It’s all right, I know you’ve got a lot of responsibilities.”
    “Time to head back inside, I think.” A sour feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. “The committee will wonder where I am.”

    Chapter Five
    “So your boyfriend hasn’t shown up yet?” Marguerite glanced around as though expecting him to pop out from behind the buffet table.
    “Jason’s not my boyfriend.” Abby crossed her arms over her chest defensively. “I don’t think.” She, too, couldn’t help casting her

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