Wolf Tales IV

Wolf Tales IV by Kate Douglas Page B

Book: Wolf Tales IV by Kate Douglas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Douglas
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Adult
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Keisha heard him grinding his teeth together. “I wanted very much to kill him, but it would create too many problems for you.” He swept his hand over her hair. “I think you’re safe now.”
    “What if he finds us?”
    “If he comes after us, I just may eat him.”
    From the feral gleam in his eyes, Keisha wasn’t sure if he were serious or teasing. “You don’t…”
    “Nah. Too much fat. Bad for my cholesterol.”
    Laughing, she threw her arms around him and kissed him on the mouth, hard. “Anton, I love you. As soon as the project is over, take me home, please?”
    “You’ve got it.” He kissed her back.
    Lord, but she loved the taste of his mouth, couldn’t wait to taste the rest of him. Mind control . He could make someone think whatever he wanted…
    “Anton?” She pulled away, moved out of his embrace. “Why didn’t you ever try that on me? The mind thing… why didn’t you just convince me I wasn’t raped, I didn’t kill those men. It would have been so much easier for you.”
    His pensive smile told her how much he’d thought of just such a thing. How difficult it had been for him not to help her.
    “Not easier for you, though. It would have taken away a very powerful part of who and what you are. You needed to come through this by your own choice. You’re a survivor. I would not cheat you of that victory. It’s an amazing symbol of your strength, that you’ve done this on your own. I love you the way you are, who you are. I don’t want someone I’ve helped create. I love you, Keisha Rialto, fears, flaws and all.”
    “Flaws? You’re saying I have flaws ?”
    “Well, you do have an odd habit of thinking you’re in charge of things.”
    She threw herself into his embrace. Once again, as always, he caught her. Just as he would always catch her. She whispered against his lips, kissing him between the words. “As soon as the project is over, you’re taking me home to Montana. There’s so much more for me there than here.”
    Anton nuzzled her hair, then raised his head and grinned at her. “You’re right. You can’t forget Xandi… and there’s still Stefan.”
    Stefan? Stefan, with a body and face so much like Anton’s, with a quirky sense of humor and limitless compassion… and an obvious interest in sex .
    “You wouldn’t mind, wouldn’t feel jealous, seeing me with another man?”
    “Do you feel jealous when I’m making love with Xandi… or, for that matter, with Stefan? When I have Xandi’s breast in my mouth and Stefan’s cock deep inside me, do you want to stop what we’re doing?”
    She shook her head, picturing exactly the scene he described, realizing it no longer held fear for her, only desire. “No. I want to be there with you. When I linked with Xandi I wanted so badly to be a part of your lovemaking, but I couldn’t. I was too afraid. The fear’s gone now, though I imagine I’d like to sleep alone with Stefan first, before we were in a group. I need to start slowly. Would that make you jealous?”
    “It would make me very proud, to see how far you’ve come. To know you truly embrace the part of you that is Chanku . I love you.” He kissed her again, much more thoroughly this time.
    “C’mon. I know a few things Stefan enjoys. How about I show you what you need to do?”
    She laughed. “So I’m getting instructions now? You would presume to…”
    Anton swept her up in his arms, kissed her mouth and headed for the bedroom. “I presume you love me. I presume you’re mine forever and beyond. I presume you can’t wait to make love… and I presume the bedroom is down this hall?”
    “You presume correctly.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “On all counts. I sure hope Stefan appreciates how much we’re willing to sacrifice for his pleasure.”
    “Oh, he does. I’m sure he does.” Anton tossed her on the bed and kicked the door shut behind them.

    Kate Douglas
    Kate Douglas writes contemporary romance, romantic

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