Zero Hour: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Fiction Series (The Blackout Series Book 2)

Zero Hour: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Fiction Series (The Blackout Series Book 2) by Bobby Akart Page B

Book: Zero Hour: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Fiction Series (The Blackout Series Book 2) by Bobby Akart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobby Akart
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uncontrolled until it rains.”
    “Hey, Colton!” shouted Rusty Kaplan from his driveway. “Did you hear about the meeting?”
    “Yeah,” replied Colton. “Do you guys wanna go with us?”
    “Sounds good,” replied Karen Kaplan.
    The four began walking up the hill towards the Brileys’ home. One of their neighbors was the listing agent on the vacant house and apparently made it available to Wren for the meeting. They walked slowly as Karen and Rusty became winded on the fairly steep incline of Lynnwood Boulevard.
    “What do you expect from this meeting?” asked Rusty, now out of breath.
    “I guess it makes sense to establish a system of community leadership,” started Colton. “Assuming this situation is going to go on for a while, our neighbors in need could benefit from somebody looking out for them.”
    “What do you think about Shane?” asked Karen.
    “No comment.” Colton laughed. The Kaplans had puzzled looks on their faces. Colton realized they didn’t understand, and he cautioned himself against expressing his opinion like that in the future. Words were amplified now and could easily become misconstrued. “Well, Shane is a professor of political science. He should have an idea how groups and governments are formed. I’m hoping for the best.”
    They reached the top of the hill and the street leveled out. Several people were making their way towards the Briley residence.
    “Almost there,” Rusty huffed.
    “Let me add this,” said Colton. “In my opinion, the best way to form an impromptu group is to establish a committee of leaders, with one person being the primary spokesman. If everyone votes on their leadership team, this will help boost morale and give folks a sense of security. The team would also gain respect through legitimacy. Under the circumstances, a little structure may lend some normalcy to everyone who is used to functioning with a government in our lives.”
    “Do you think Shane is the right man for the job?” asked Karen.
    “I only know him in passing, Karen,” replied Colton. “I think any leader needs to have the respect of the entire community and should have a track record of moral integrity. He needs to set an example for the neighborhood and make sound decisions. Only time will tell if he is the right guy for the job.”

Chapter 11
    Noon, September 10
    HPA Meeting House
    Trimble Rd. & Lynnwood Blvd.
    Belle Meade, Tennessee
    “Here we go,” said Alex, who had remained quiet the entire way. She recognized this as an adult meeting and was glad to get out of the house. If she were able to help in some way, maybe her dad would bring her again. Colton leaned into her ear and whispered, “Watch, listen, and learn,” as they entered the grand foyer of the large home, which had been on the market since the previous year. The Brileys were divorced, and the court ordered the sale of the home. It stood vacant, as the spiteful couple refused to live in it.
    “Welcome, folks,” said Shane Wren as he opened up the double set of sliding doors leading to a covered patio that stretched the length of the home. “Let’s go out here. This is a big turnout, and it’ll be much cooler in the shade of this canopy.”
    Alex looked around at the attendees. They were all dressed like a normal day. Nobody seemed panicked or injured. A couple of parents had brought their young children, who attempted to squirm out of their parents’ control. All of the neighbors appeared overheated. As everyone found a spot, Alex noticed there was only one other teenager, who was standing alone at the back of the enclosed patio. She tugged on her dad’s arm and whispered, “I’m gonna hang out with the kid on the back wall, okay?”
    “Sure, but don’t wander off,” replied Colton.
    “Got it,” she replied.
    Alex nonchalantly walked toward the back of the patio and leaned against the wall. The boy immediately noticed her, but shyly looked away when she caught his glance. He

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