Zombie Fallout 4: The End Has Come and Gone

Zombie Fallout 4: The End Has Come and Gone by Mark Tufo Page B

Book: Zombie Fallout 4: The End Has Come and Gone by Mark Tufo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Tufo
Tags: Fiction, Horror, Zombies, Lang:en, Zombie Fallout
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gripped the top of his head and forced it to the side. As she leaned down, Tommy’s screams filled the night.

    CHAPTER SIX – Alex, Paul and Company
    “Marta, are you alright?” Alex asked his wife with concern. She had been tossing and turning for hours and now moans of despair where coming from deep within her chest.
    “NO I WILL NOT!” She said forcibly, sitting straight up.
    “Honey it’s me. Mi amor.”
    Eyes wide open, lips pulled back, teeth clenched; terror strained her features. Marta took a half-hearted swipe at Alex before realizing who he was. She stiffened when he hugged her.
    “Are you alright?” Alex asked, breaking the embrace to look into her eyes.
    Marta’s head sagged down. “My head hurts Alex,” she said, rubbing her temples.
    “Do you want me to get some aspirin Marta?”
    “It’s a deeper pain than that Alex, I don’t know how to explain it. I used to have migraines when I was a teenager, those don’t even compare. I feel like something deep in my mind has decided it wants out and it is going to crack my head wide open to do it.” Alex was alarmed. Marta sometimes had a flair for the dramatic but he was not picking that vibe up right now. That she was in immense pain was clearly evident, the whites of her eyes were filled with red lines and he felt powerless to do anything about it. Paul had come up to the doorway of the room the Carbonaras were staying in. The abandoned school that they had sought refuge in had been a perfect fit. Plenty of room and plenty of canned goods in the cafeteria, although there was a reason school food was so horrible, it was of extremely low quality. The words ‘Grade E but edible’ adorned more than one label.
    Paul wore a look of concern. Marta’s headaches had become more frequent and more intense. His initial thought was ‘tumor’ but he didn’t think their chances of finding a neurologist were so good.
    Much like a migraine, all that seemed to help Marta was extreme dark and extreme quiet. Alex met Paul at the doorway and closed it behind him. Before they had walked more than a pace, Marta’s voice floated out to them and froze them both in place. “The darkness matches the void where her soul should be.” Paul could not contain the shiver that started at the base of his spine and like an insidious spider crawled all the way up to his brain stem, all eight legs caressing his creep factor.
    “She does not know what she is talking about,” Alex told Paul, an insincere smile splashed across his face.
    Paul thought otherwise.

    CHAPTER SEVEN – Talbot Journal Entry 5
    “Honey I’m sorry,” I told Tracy for the fifth time. Dammit, I hate groveling, well maybe I actually love it, I put myself in enough of these situations where it’s my only avenue of escape. “Hon, look at me. I feel for these kids, I really do, that’s why I don’t want to take them with us.” Tracy did finally look at me. “You’re right.”
    She could have punched me square in the gut and not gotten the same effect. We had been married twenty something years and I could count on one finger how many times she had told me I was right. “Wait, what? Could you maybe say that again?” “Don’t push it Mike,” she snapped.
    Gary was nodding behind her.
    “They need to go to Ron’s,” she said triumphantly.
    It was a brilliant idea. Ron would take them in without even blinking. “Hey, which of you guys has a driver’s license?” I asked the three boys hopefully.
    “I have a permit,” Dizz answered, obviously feeling self-important.
    “Mike, that’s not what I meant. How much have you driven, Dizz?” Tracy asked.
    “I pulled out of the driveway once. Clipped the mailbox and then my dad made me get out, he was not happy,” Dizz answered, his inflated importance quickly deflating.
    “Dad!” Justin yelled from the front doors.
    “Company?” I asked.
    He nodded in return.
    Gary grabbed his gear and ran to the front. “Fifteen, nope sixteen.” I

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