ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel

ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel by Will Lemen Page A

Book: ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel by Will Lemen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Will Lemen
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how many eaters if any, are in the driveway, and be careful, take a gun with you, remember, we only have a drop cloth for a back door now."
    "Okay," Jacob said, picking up the same carbine he had used earlier as he headed into the house.
    "Do you think there might be some of those things in the driveway?" Gin asked, unaware of our earlier experience trying to fill the gas can.
    I knew there were zombies on the other side of the garage door, but I didn't want to alarm her anymore than she already was, so I said. "Well it can't hurt to check."
    "Right, it can't hurt to check," she agreed.
    We had been working rather somberly, but that mood was broken quickly a few minute later when we heard three gunshots coming from inside the house.
    Before we had a chance to react, Jacob came bursting back into the garage.
    "I just shot three of them on the patio, I heard them growling on my way back from checking the driveway."
    "Are you all right?" Gin asked.
    Smiling Jacob replied. "Yes, I'm okay mom, but we have three more dead neighbors. I mean really dead neighbors."
    "Jon and Julie's smell must have attracted them. What did the driveway look like, any eaters?" I asked.
    Looking confused, not knowing that I was trying to spare his mother any more grief by not telling her about our previous failed attempt to get to the van, Jacob answered cautiously.
    "Yes, there's lots of them, twenty-five, maybe thirty, they’re all over the place, in the driveway, in the yard, the street, the neighbor's yards, everywhere."
    With nightfall closing in on us, I now felt an overwhelming sense of desperation. We had to come up with a workable plan, and fast.
    "So, if we were to break out the front window, could we get a clean shot at most of them?" I asked.
    Nodding his head Jacob answered.
    "I think so?"
    "So if one of us was to shoot from the front window, and one of us shot from the garage, between the two, they could cover the one's hooking up the trailer to the van?"
    "I'll shoot from the garage," Billy said quickly.
    "I guess that leaves me at the front window," Jacob said.
    "Then your mother and I will hook up the trailer," I added.
    Shrugging her shoulders and stating categorically.
    "I don't know how to do that!" Gin said, scowling as she informed us.
    "All you have to do is just back up the van a few feet, and I'll do the rest," I said, hoping to convince her. "You can back up the van can't you?"
    "Yes, I know how to back up the van; you just put it in reverse and stomp on the gas pedal, right?" she said, in her all too familiar sarcastic tone.
    After our disastrous attempt to fill the gas can earlier, which I felt was my fault, I wanted to do my best to make sure that everyone knew what to do, and how to do it this time.
    "All right!" I said ignoring my wife's feeble attempt at sarcastic humor. "Here's the plan. Jacob, you'll go to the front window, break it out, and leave as many shards in the frame as you can, since you won’t be going out that way it might afford you a little more protection, remember Julie’s hand? Then shoot as many eaters as you can see, and hopefully the sound of your shots will draw the ones on the driveway toward you. We'll wait a couple of minutes for them to migrate to the front window, then Billy you'll open the garage door, and we'll shoot any stragglers. Gin, when it's clear, you make a run for the van and back it up to the trailer. Once the trailer is hitched, we'll yell for Jacob and hold off any eaters that might have turned back toward us while he makes his way back here. Then we all jump in the van and get the hell out of Dodge. Any questions?"
    Jacob piped up, "Nope!"
    "Are you sure you want me to back up the van?" Gin asked.
    I looked at her nodding my head, which gave her a visual affirmative answer to her question, and said.
    "We don't have a choice, I might need Billy to help with the trailer, and he can't do that and drive at the same time. Don't worry, you'll do fine."
    Not sounding very confident

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