Zorba the Hutt's Revenge
thoughts except the thought of getting free, he imagined the guard’s mind emptying-entering a state of total confusion.
    "Can’t you see that I’m not the boy you are looking for!" Ken exclaimed. "I’m Tibor, the bounty hunter! The prisoner tricked me and locked me in here! Help me get out of here, before he gets away!"
    It worked! Thinking Ken was Tibor, the guard apologized and hurriedly unlocked the cell. Soon Ken was outside the Holiday Towers building, running through the streets of Cloud City.
    He passed many dazzling sights of the big city, including Masque Hall, where he peeked through a window to see the never-ending masquerade party.
    Next he stumbled upon the Central Cloud Car Taxi Port. Unfortunately his pockets were empty. He had no credits to pay for a ride back to Han Solo’s sky house. The Jedi mind trick had worked once, so Ken tried it again on the taxi driver. And once again it worked. Ken actually convinced the taxi driver that he had already paid for the ride!
    On the Imperial factory barge, Luke and Kate were searching for Princess Leia. Luke used the macrobinoculars he had brought with him to peer in the windows of every building he could see. He was trying to find any possible clue that might lead him to the princess.
    Then at last, while staring at a room on the top floor of the tallest factory, he spotted her. She was smashing a window and crawling out onto a ledge. Luke looked higher with the macrobinoculars, checking out the roof of the building. There was a platform with a hovertransport. Around the corner of the building from Leia, he saw a service ladder that went up the side of the building-a ladder that could help them get up to her!
    A short time later, when Luke met up with Leia on the ledge, she was so startled she almost fell, but then regained her balance.
    "Leia! At last Kate and I found you!" Luke said. "There’s a ladder to the roof around the corner. Quick-follow me!"
    Leia, Luke, and Kate carefully climbed the ladder up to the flat, black roof. They scurried across it and soon reached the platform with the parked hovertransport. Luke used the macrobinoculars again, this time to scan the brown sky above the tall smokestacks, looking to see if there were any Imperial vehicles flying nearby. But instead of an Imperial vehicle he saw the Millennium Falcon!
    Inside the Millennium Falcon Han Solo and Chewbacca were weaving in and out among the smokestacks, desperately searching for Luke, Leia, and Kate. Laser cannons from the barge fired at the Falcon as Han descended low enough to spot the wrecked cloud car convertible. Then suddenly he heard a communication signal and a familiar-sounding voice!
    "Millennium Falcon! Do you copy? Over."
    It was Luke!
    "I copy," Han said. "Where are you, Luke? Over."
    "Check starboard, three-five. I’m piloting the Imperial hovertransport. This thing’s a puddle jumper without even enough vertical thrust to get us home."
    "I’ll get below you and open the hatch," Han said. "Do you think Kate can make the jump into the Falcon? Over."
    "Of course she can," Luke replied. "We’re all ready to ditch this thing and fly back in style!"
    In seconds the Millennium Falcon was flying directly below the hovertransport, a short leap away. Leia and Kate jumped out of the hovertransport first, falling safely into the Falcon. Then Luke set the hovertransport on automatic pilot and made the leap too. Ground fire continued to target them. It missed the Millennium Falcon, but blew the hovertransport to pieces.
    Luke looked around the cockpit of the Falcon. "Where’s Ken?" he asked. "You didn’t leave him home alone, did you?"
    "Don’t blame me," Han said, "but Ken got behind the wheel of my Custom Model-Q Foley and zoomed off for Cloud City."
    "Han, he’s just a kid!" Luke protested. "He’s not even thirteen years old!"
    "Tell that to him," Han said. "He seems to think he’s old enough to drive in the Cloud Car Racing Finals. But don’t worry, I sent

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