A Game of Shadows
mentioned before that homosexuality was widespread in the future.  What do you know about it?” 
    Valerie rolled over to face Alec , lust forgotten.  “Are you thinking of switching sides?”
    “No, but I was just wondering if you know how it works between two men.”  Valerie sat up, staring at Alec. 
    “Start talking NOW!”
    “It’s nothing.  Kit just happened to mention that the king might have taken male lovers despite being married.  Is that common?”
    Valerie eyed Alec suspiciously.  She had a feeling that Kit might have said something more than that, but what ever it was, Alec wasn’t about to break his confidence no matter how much she badgered him. 
    “There are many men who marry in order to hide their sexual orientation, but continue to have male lovers on the side.  When I was a child, it was uncommon for people to admit to being gay, but as I got older it became more acceptable.  Many men are openly gay and there was even talk of making gay marriage legal,” Valerie supplied, watching Alec’s face.
    “The Church would allow two men to marry?” Alec asked, incredulous.
    “No, not the Church — the State.  It would be a legal marriage though, recognized by everyone.  There are couples with two men and two women.”
    “What? Women want to marry each other as well?”  Alec sat up in bed, staring at Valerie as if she were making a joke at his expense. 
    “Yes, women can be gay as well,” Valerie explained patiently.
    “Is it because they’re afraid of men?”  Alec needed to find an explanation to satisfy his mind, but Valerie just shook her head.
    “It’s because they prefer women.  Period.  Now, why are you asking me all this?”  Maybe he was in such shock he’d spill the beans, but Alec quickly recovered himself, lying back down.
    “No, reason.  Just curious.”  He still looked abashed, trying to figure out how all this worked, emotionally and physically.
    “How do women…?” he began, but Valerie put a finger to his lips, silencing him and nibbling on his earlobe to distract him for the numerous questions he was about to ask.  Alec got the point, his hand sliding up her thigh.  Valerie cried out in surprise as Alec suddenly flipped her onto her stomach, pushing her nightdress above her wais t and grabbing her hips.
    “Alec, don’t you dare,” she squealed as she felt his cock against her ass.  “I’ll never forgive you.”
    “Don’t squirm my dear, it won’t help.  Just think of it as research.”  Valerie gasped as he slid into her, silencing her protests.  She wasn’t sure what to expect, but aside from the feeling of pressure, it didn’t feel so bad.  Alec began to move slowly, his thighs pushing hers further apart.  She tried to relax, but her mind was still refusing to let go and accept what he was doing to her.  It just didn’t feel right, and she wished he’d stop.  Valerie forgot her objections as Alec’s hand came around and slid between her legs, stimulating her until she began to relax.  His fingers probed her as he thrust slowly and deliberately, bringing her to heights of pleasure she’d forgotten she could experience.

August 1624

Chapter 11
    Louisa Whitfield walked aimlessly among the perfectly manicured hedges of the formal garden, running her hand over the prickly tops.  The shadows were just beginning to lengthen as the sun began its descent toward the horizon, finally giving way to a cool breeze blowing through the trees.  Louisa closed her eyes and concentrated on the achingly sweet song of the lark hiding somewhere in the branches of a nearby tree, singing its heart out before another day drew to a close and silenced it for the night. 
    Louisa had looked forward to coming to England, but she wasn’t enjoying herself at all.  The tension between the adults was palpable, and her only outlet was playing with the children.  She had to admit that she loved being with Evie, and Robbie’s sturdy

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