A Gentleman's Promise
Whether it be a betrothal , a performance or special guest, Lord Wilson always had something to keep his guests occupied and happy.
    “ So? We will speak then. ”
    Charlotte leaned up and kissed him quickly. “I shall miss you.”
    He growled and swooped her into his arms. “Who said I was ready to let you go?” And he didn’t let her go; not until the hour before dawn.

    Chapter Nine
    Charlotte couldn’t wipe away the smile from her lips as she wa tched Lord Helsing stroll across the room toward her. Tonight he wore a blue , superfine , long tailed coat with a pristine white shirt and waistcoat beneath. His neckcloth was tied perfectly and only accentuated his handsome visage , very much like his black satin knee-breeches that fit his masculine thighs to perfection . He looked regal and tall, a gentleman with a roguish grin that left her knees weak.
    She swallowed as heat coursed throughout her body , rememberin g what he’d done to her the night before. After seeing him as a man at her father’s lake all those y ears ago, Charlotte had often wondered what he’d be like when intimate with a woman. And now she knew and was anything but disappointed with her findings.
    As luck would have it , her husband was still absent since his departure the previous evening, and so tonight, Charlotte was here by herself. Of course, Amelia waltzed about the floor with Lord Furrow , but no longer did she feel the need to impinge on the happily married couple’s time. At least not as much as she’d formerly done.
    For now , she had another m ore fascinating companion . Lord Helsing.
    “Good evening, Lady Remmick . May I say how beautiful you look this evening ? ”
    The devilish twinkle in Mason’s gaze made goosebumps rise across her flesh. Charlotte tapped her fan against his arm and curtsied. “Good evening, my lord.”
    He came and stood beside her with his hands behind his back before he leaned in and whispered against her ear, “May I also say how delicious you look, Charlotte. Good enough to eat , in fact. ”
    Charlotte refused to blush and instead laughed to cover her nervousness. “Behave.” She met his gaze and the heat she read in his eyes made her breath hitch in her lungs.
    “I don’t want to.”
    How could just four simple words leave her aching with need? She had, after all only left his bed in the early hours of this morning. And yet, here she was, panting like she’d run about the block in a tightly strung corset . “Then we’re in agreement. Although t he thing is, my lord,” Charlotte said moving closer to his side to ensure privacy, “what are we to do about it?”
    Mason took two flutes of champagne from a passing footman and handed one to Charlotte . “Well that is yet to be decided. But I can imagine one thing we’d both enjoy immensely.”
    Charlotte laughed and took a cooling sip of her drink. “Later?”
    He nodded and excitement thrummed in her veins. Were she not married , her urge to clasp his arm and declare to everyone present that he was hers would ha ve been beyond her control. Charlotte pushed away the depressing thought that he wasn’t hers and instead turned her attention to the guests at the ball.
    The musicians played an elegant piece of music while the dancers moved gracefully abou t the floor , partaking in conversations before their dance began . Wax candles in crystal chandeliers ran the length of the room and basked everyone in a forgiving light, giving the room an air of mystery.
    “Would you care to dance, Charlotte?”
    She smiled but shook her head. “You should dance with someone else. People will talk if you show too much inclination toward me.”
    He shrugged. “Let them talk.”
    At her raised brow, he growled and d owned the last of his champagne before stepping away from her and moving about the room with casual elegance. Every step reminded her of a large cat sear ch ing for its next victim. Yet no one could be a victim when it came to

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