A Lesson in Forgiveness
and Mr. Thompson's love of Miss Jennings and Lord Huntington's country home in Suffolk. But I can't remember a single one of them asking me what I like to do or where I live most of the year. Do men not want to know anything about the woman they might marry?”
    “I think not, miss. I believe they are more interested in knowing that you can make polite conversation and not embarrass them. They may want to know if you plan to spend all their money.”
    “What a shame. How about you, Tabby? Do you have anyone special in your life?” It pained Ginny to have to ask. After having Tabby as a maid for over two years, she realized that Bethany knew absolutely nothing about her. As far as she was concerned, Tabby was a non-person.
    Blushing, Tabby kept brushing Ginny's hair. Finally, when Ginny thought she wouldn't fess up, Tabby said quietly, “The head groomsman at your parent's estate and I are familiar. He had brought me flowers on my birthday.”
    “Well, Tabby, if I have the good grace to get married, I will promise you this. I will hire my parent's groomsman and bring him with us. You certainly deserve love in your life as well.”
    Blinking back the tears, she bowed and left the room for the night. Ginny stood for a moment beside her open window and looked out at the garden below. Smelling the jasmine and roses, she enjoyed the gentle breeze that cooled down the room. Smiling, she went to bed.
    Outside her room, down in the garden, Lord Whitmore wandered his domain, keeping to the shadows as he smoked his cigar. Catching a glimpse of Miss Hamilton at her bedroom window, he stopped and stared. With the light behind her, he could clearly see the outline of her body through the thin cotton of her night gown. He noticed her long legs, her curved hips and especially, her large breasts.
    He found himself looking forward to tomorrow's outing with her. Now that he knew that she knew he was unavailable, it seemed safe enough. If only he could get over this feeling like he was missing out on something. At least if she married Clarendon, he could still talk to her on occasion. Frowning slightly, he just didn't know if that would be enough.

Chapter 6
    Tabby entered the room less reticent that morning, now that Ginny had forged a new relationship between them. Setting down the hot water, Tabby went about choosing clothing for the day.
    “I am thinking you should wear the yellow dress today, miss.”
    “Oh, Tabby, I forgot to tell you. I'm going riding with Lord Whitmore today.”
    “Really?” It wasn't so much the word she used as how she said it. Like there was more to Ginny and the dull earl than she let on the day before.
    “Yes, really. I told you he has no interest in marrying.”
    “Then why does he have such an interest in spending time with you?” Ginny realized at the moment how much Tabby reminded her of Lisa, her best friend from her own time period. Not so subtle sarcasm, mixed with genuine friendship. It made her sad for a moment realizing it.
    “Are you saying I have nothing to offer a man but marriage?” Two could play at that game.
    Silent for moment, clearly considering her words carefully, she said, “You have a lot to offer. I doubt any gentlemen within fifty miles could see it though.” Smiling, Ginny thought that she met Lisa's former self, if she had believed in reincarnation.
    “Thank you for the compliment. Now, what am I wearing?”
    “You have a lovely red riding habit. Who will be chaperoning you this early in the morning?”
    “No one. Lord Whitmore feels that if we stick to open spaces, it should not be a problem being unchaperoned.”
    “Really.” There was that word again. Ginny decided to continue getting washed up and ignore all the implications of that one word.
    Entering the breakfast room, Ginny found Lord Whitmore already sitting down, waiting for his breakfast. As soon as he saw her enter, he jumped up and pulled out the chair across from his. He felt ridiculous. He woke up

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