A Texas Family Reunion

A Texas Family Reunion by Judy Christenberry

Book: A Texas Family Reunion by Judy Christenberry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Christenberry
asked me to come with him. I hope that’ll be all right.”
    “Of course it will be. Betty loves to have big parties.”
    “Who’s Betty?”
    “Oh, she’s Vivian’s housekeeper. She and her husband, Peter, have been with Vivian since the beginning of her first marriage. They’re part of the family.”
    “They sound wonderful. You know that TV show with all the kids and a housekeeper that took care of them? I so wanted her in my family,” Alex said with a laugh.
    “Yeah, me, too. Only, with me, there was only meand my parents. Then my dad died and there was just me and my mom.”
    “Like me. There’s just me and my mom, too.”
    Carrie looked stricken as Jim came into the office. He immediately moved to his wife’s side. “What’s wrong, hon?”
    “Nothing,” Carrie said at once. “I was being silly.”
    “What did I say to upset you, Carrie?” Alex asked anxiously.
    “I was thinking about my mom’s death and how alone I felt then. If it hadn’t been for Will….”
    “I didn’t know your mother died!” Alex exclaimed. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Carrie!”
    Carrie pushed away from Jim’s embrace, rubbing her forehead. “You didn’t say anything wrong, Alex. I’m emotional right now. My hormones….”
    “Your hormones are just fine, sweetheart,” Jim assured her. “And now you have me and all the rest of the family. You’re not alone and our child won’t be alone, remember?”
    Carrie smiled. “Yes, I remember.” She reached up and kissed him briefly. “Now I need to get back to work.”
    “It’s almost lunchtime,” Jim announced. “How about I take two lovely ladies to lunch? What do you say?”
    “Are you sure we can afford the time?” Carrie asked.
    “I’m sure,” Jim said, pulling her from her chair.
    As they all stood, Will came through the door. “Hey, what’s going on?”
    “I’m taking the ladies to lunch. Want to come?”
    “You bet. I wouldn’t turn down that invitation.”
    Alex didn’t know if Will had read Jim’s mind, or there had been something in his voice, but she was glad Will confirmed their decision. She was sure it would be good for Carrie.
    When they reached the restaurant, a casual place with TVs mounted in the corners, they all ordered, then sat waiting for their food.
    “Will, I thought I should tell you that David asked me to come with him tonight. Is that okay?” Alex said.
    “Of course it is. Actually, David called Vivian this morning to ask that same question. I’m delighted you’re coming—you can get to know the family. Anyone who works for me becomes part of the family.”
    “That sounds lovely. And David will think so, too. He just…the other day, when he came to the office to check on me, he’d spent half the day with his mother, arguing, and he wasn’t sure more family would be a good thing. That’s why he was so…reluctant to admit he was Jim’s brother.” She went on to explain the details.
    “Poor David,” Jim said. “Maybe my not being adopted wasn’t such a bad thing.”
    Carrie covered her husband’s hand with hers. “Maybe not, but you were strong.”
    “I promise David is, too,” said Alex. “But sometimes I think they adopted David to have someone else to take care of her. Her husband did everything for her.”
    “I know that kind of woman,” Will said. “Thank goodness Viv isn’t that way, in spite of her first husband, Herbert, trying to make her dependent on him.”
    “He couldn’t convince Vanessa, either,” Jim said with a grin.
    “That’s the truth!” Will agreed.
    “But…isn’t dependency on someone a good thing?” Alex asked, confused.
    Carrie chuckled. “Of course it is, but when you try to force someone’s dependence, it isn’t. And if you’re a parent with a rebellious son or daughter, you’re in big trouble. A daughter like Vanessa, for instance—well, that girl doesn’t follow the easiest road at times.”
    “Oh, I can’t wait to meet her,” Alex said with a laugh.

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