Across the Sands of Time

Across the Sands of Time by Pamela Kavanagh

Book: Across the Sands of Time by Pamela Kavanagh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Kavanagh
luck the fields will be cleared by the end of the week. Then I’ll tell Dad.’
    But Richard’s plans were thwarted. The following morning, Saturday, he intended going into town to kit himself up for the tour. Over breakfast, Chas turned to him with the news that he wanted to get on with opening up the fields; a procedure that involved mowing a single track round the outside edge of each field to clear it of weeds and let in the air to the main crop.
    Richard gazed at his father in exasperation.
    â€˜We can do that tomorrow. It won’t take long if we use both tractors. ’
    â€˜I had a look at the cornfields last night,’ Chas replied. ‘There’s a lot of bracken and other hedgerow stuff this year. Some of it is very high indeed. No, we’re better tackling it today. The forecast for the weekend is good. A bit of sun on the crop tomorrow will make all the difference.’
    â€˜But I’m going out, Dad. I’ve things to do.’
    â€˜Then I’m sorry but it’ll have to wait. It’s harvest time, Richard. I don’t have to spell it out to you. The farm comes first.’
    â€˜Blast the farm!’ Richard snapped, the weeks and months of pent-up frustration boiling up inside him. ‘I’ve said I’ll do the fields tomorrow and that’s it.’
    â€˜Oh, is it?’ Chas said, dangerously quiet. ‘What’s so crucial that it can’t wait till next weekend, Richard? It wouldn’t have anything to do with that new passport, would it?’
    Richard’s heart sank. So he was right. Tracey should have kept her mouth shut! Mustering calm, he said quite reasonably, ‘Yes, it would actually. Dad, you’re not going to like this … I’d meant to hold off until after the corn was in before I brought the subject up. But you may as well know now. I’m leaving the farm.’
    â€˜What, for good?’
    â€˜I’m going professional with the band. I’m sorry to have to spring it on you like this but that’s how it is.’

    There was a shocked silence in which Chas stared at his son as if unable to take in what he was hearing.
    â€˜We’ve made an album, Dad,’ Richard went on desperately. ‘The guy who’s sponsoring us thinks we’re good. We’ve got a tour of Ireland booked.’
    â€˜Oh, have you now!’ Chas found his voice at last. ‘And what about Woodhey? The work doesn’t come to a stop with the corn harvest. What about the winter wheat? The ploughing and sowing? Had you thought of that?’
    â€˜Dad, I—’
    Chas stood up, almost knocking back his chair.
    â€˜I might have known there was something up. And where does that leave your mother and me? In the lurch! Well, Richard, I’m telling you this. You’ve obviously made up your mind, so you might as well go now!
    â€˜Go on, before I say something I might regret. Get your things together and clear off out of it! That’s what you want, isn’t it?’

Chapter Three
    â€˜I knew Richard had plans to go off with his band, but I didn’t reckon on his leaving under quite such a cloud,’ Thea told Geoff ruefully. They were shopping in Chester and had stopped for a coffee.
    â€˜He and Dad had a blazing row. You could hear them all over the farm. Neither would give way – they’re a match for each other when it comes to stubbornness.’
    â€˜It’s a pity Richard hadn’t come clean before now, though. It would’ve given your dad a chance to get used to the idea,’ Geoff suggested.
    â€˜Oh, you know how it is, nothing matters except the farm. There wouldn’t have been a moment’s peace for any of us.’
    â€˜Perhaps not. How has your mother taken it?’
    â€˜Mum’s miserable. She hates confrontation, but I think she’ll eventually see this Richard’s way. If farming isn’t your thing it can be awful. And Richard’s

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