Against the Reign
yourself,” I tell him. Looking somewhat surprised, he bows again and hurries away. Servants usually don’t join in royal parties, but I’m not partial.
    I unroll the parchment and read quietly to myself, “To the Queen of Newrock, whom I know as Ginny: I am sick to hear of the murder of your parents. Having been in your place, I know what you are feeling right now. I must warn you: there is something evil in the kingdoms and I vow to find out what it is and put a stop to it immediately. No one else should have to go through this.
    “Ginny, I cannot come to see you now. My uncle has informed me that I am to be wed. To whom he has not revealed, out of safety for our kingdoms. But this means that I, too, will be taking the throne soon. How in an instant our lives change. Please be careful, Ginny.”
    A numbness washes over me for the second time in the last few days. I put the letter down so I can drink another cup, the liquid settling in a heavy sense of hopelessness. When I slam the cup down and lean my head on my hand, my eye catches something on the letter. Next to my name in the last line is what I thought was an ink smudge. But I see now that something was written and then scratched out. Putting my face right up to it, I can see what the word was.
    There, the line used to read, “Please be careful, my Ginny.”
    “I don’t see him anywhere. What’s that?” Ward and Marguerite are back. My frown deepens.
    “Liam isn’t here. He’s getting married,” I state simply.
    “Tonight?” Ward asks, a look of shock on both their faces.
    “Not tonight, but soon. A political marriage it seems.”
    “Then your hunch may have been right,” Marguerite says. “Windem has a princess. I don’t know anything about her. She could be five years old, for all I know. But what if she’s of age? If Windem and Etigan have formed a marriage alliance….”
    She doesn’t need to finish. If they have formed a marriage alliance, Newrock is doomed. And no doubt Liam’s uncle wouldn’t tell him who he’s wedding until it’s too late to change it. He most likely knows we’re friends. Liam is right.
    There is something evil in the kingdoms.

    The party lasts well into the night and by morning Della can do nothing to wake me. At least for a while I was able to escape feeling anything, but everything comes back in the morning with a pounding headache. The crown she places on my head feels like it’s pushing me down, and I suddenly realize escaping it won’t be as easy as downing a cup of wine.
    When she finally leaves I reread the parchment from Liam. I can’t decide what to do with this new information. Although I could easily call a meeting with the court, something is nagging at me not to. I need someone I trust completely, and I can only think of one person. I leave my room and hurry to the infirmary.
    Joannes, our castle’s resident physician, bows when I enter. “How are you doing, Your Majesty?”
    “Fine. How is Rayner?”
    “Doing better. His wounds weren’t deep and he’ll recover. The spirit, however, will take more time.”
    I nod and slowly approach the bed. Rayner is propped half-way up and his eyes are closed. At first I think to leave; I don’t want to wake him. But his eyes open when I approach and immediately glisten. Then a startled look, and he attempts to bow his head.
    “Don’t! Please, don’t hurt yourself!” I command and he stops.
    “I shouldn’t be here, Your Majesty.” His voice trembles, thick with sadness. “I vowed to give my life for the king. I failed him. I failed the crown. I was knocked unconscious with the first blow and when I came to, it was too late.” He chokes and I shake my head.
    “You didn’t fail us. It’s….” I can’t finish my sentence. It’s what? Okay? Going to get better? There aren’t words for grief. I clear my throat and continue. “What did you see when you came to?”
    “The carriage was on fire. All the bodies were burned. It was the

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