All about you, part 1 (Love & Hate series #1)

All about you, part 1 (Love & Hate series #1) by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

Book: All about you, part 1 (Love & Hate series #1) by Joanna Mazurkiewicz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Mazurkiewicz
look at me the way he is looking at her? He will never forget what I did to him, and he would never choose me.
    In the beginning of November I walk to the library hoping to study a few cases for the assignment that is due next month. I choose the quiet corner since I’ve got a few hours. I’m the only person in that section. I need to get on top of the reading. Some of the classes are tough, so I need to work harder for the good grades I want.
    I haven’t posted anything on my blog, but I’m planning to go to the cinema this weekend with Dora, if she hasn’t made any plans already. It will be hard to persuade her to see a horror film. The library is peaceful and I’m glad that I’m the only one in the room. Braxton is my new home now, and it’s much more that I imagined it would be.
    I’m alone for the first hour, but after that a student takes the table in front of me. He is studying economics, judging from the materials that he has with him. He is tall, built like an athlete, with longish baby blond hair and flat nose. He stares at me for several seconds before he goes back to his books.
    “Hey, have you got a pen?” he asks, smiling after a few minutes of intense searching in his pockets. I reach into my bag wondering if I brought any extra pens. Luckily, I find one and pass it to him. I have to give him points for a nice smile and his fabulous T-shirt. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems like he has a foreign accent. Swedish or Norwegian maybe.
    “Don’t mention it,” I reply.
    I get back to my case, and he starts taking out all his books. For the next hour and a half we both work in silence. Sometimes I have to read the text several times because I think that the guy in front of me keeps staring at me. I glance at him once or twice, but he doesn’t look at me. My mind wanders off to Gargle. Mum insists that I visit before Christmas, but I’m not quite sure if I can take a break, I’ve got so much coursework to hand in before December.
    “Hey, I’m going to be that lame guy and ask what are you studying?” this blond guy with the cutest accent on this planet says unexpectedly. “I’m only asking because I need to have a reason to talk to you.”
    I lift my head and look into his incredible blue eyes. “I’m doing law, as you can see. Boring and predictable,” I reply, smiling.
    “Law. Wow, so you’re brainy then?”
    “No, just determined and probably stupid. I have no idea what is coming to me in the near future.” I laugh. My films pushed me into studying criminal law. I’m just fascinated about the power that I could gain because of who I am. “By the way, I’m going to ask a lame question. Your accent, is it—”
    “Swedish. Yeah, it’s noticeable, I guess.” He laughs.
    “So what’s a guy like you doing studying in the evenings instead of enjoying university life?” I ask, chewing my pen. It’s only the beginning of the term.
    He frowns, scratching his head, still staring at me. Then he gets up and walks to the table next to me and sits down. “The same as you, trying to study, but it was just a waste of time because I’ve been distracted since I came into the library.”
    “I don’t get it; this is the best place to read. It’s quiet,” I tell him, feeling a little nervous talking to him. Since Christian’s death I’ve mostly stayed away from men. I survived because I hated Oliver. I tried to date a few other guys, but after losing my virginity to some loser I gave up on acting normal. The panic attacks kept coming back, so I decided to stay away from opposite sex.
    He smiles, playing with the pen. “It’s difficult not to get distracted if a beautiful girl like you sits in front of me.”
    I blush. “Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to distract you.”
    “It’s okay. I just needed an excuse to talk to you. I’m Alexander, by the way.”
    “Are you done with your reading?” he asks, getting up.
    I don’t know what to say or how to

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