All I Want is that Hood Love 3

All I Want is that Hood Love 3 by Mercedes G

Book: All I Want is that Hood Love 3 by Mercedes G Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mercedes G
behind me.
                  I hopped in my car with DJ still in my arms, and locked the doors. Jamel started banging on my window like a fucking madman, begging me to open up the door and listen to him. He started shaking the door handle trying his best to get in. We made eye contact and I knew I had to go before I did something that I may regret later on down the line. I ignored his cries and pleas. Little did he know he had just done me a favor! This shit right here sealed the fuckin deal. There was no coming back from this shit.
                  Now I didn't feel so bad for doing the things that I had done. I had no reason to. I couldn’t believe that I had actually started feeling sorry for that muthafucka. Not only did he fuck my mama, but this nigga had gotten her pregnant. If that ain't the grimiest shit that someone can do to a person, I don't know what is. Fuck Jamel and Debra! Right now, I didn't have anyone besides Kira and MeMe at this point, and that was enough.
                  I had become tired of crying to them about everything that was happening in my life, so instead of calling them like I always did, I sat inside of my car in the grocery store parking lot with DJ still in my arms, and tried to get myself together. I had to remember that I’m a mother before anything. I needed to get the rest of his milk for the month, so that I wouldn't have to stop anywhere once we made it back to Albany. I went inside of the shopping center for some milk plus more. My cart was filled with groceries. I was struggling trying to put DJ inside of his car seat and watch my cart at the same time, when a handsome, older gentleman hopped out of the driver’s side of a silver Chevy Camaro with tinted windows and approached me. He was very charming to be exact.
                  "Let me help you with those, beautiful," he sneered as he began helping me load my groceries in the car.
                  "Thank you sooooo much," I said to him. I couldn't remember the last time a man had been nice to me.
                  "No problem, you looked like you were having a hard time over here and I would’ve been less than a man to just sit back and watch.”
                  “Well that was real sweet of you. I really appreciate it.” I waited for him to finish.
                  “It would be nice to put a name with the face," he stated after putting the last few bags inside of my car.
                  "I'm NaTaysia, and you are?" I asked.
                  "I'm Wesley," he said and extended his hand out.
                  I hugged his hand with mine, and he brought it up to his dark chocolate lips, pressing it with a gentle kiss. Wesley's hands, and lips were soft like baby skin. Now I wasn't into older guys but if I was, Wesley would definitely be my number one draft pick. Got damn this old man, is handsome! He was pure sexy and dark skinned. He put me in the mind of the actor Idris Elba. His skin was smooth like silk and his hair was wavier than a Frito Lay.
                  "I would like to get to know you better NaTaysia, I mean if that's okay with you." He and I both smiled, but I wasn’t up for dating anyone at the moment.
                  "Wesley, I'm sure you're a nice guy and all but trust me, I have so much shit going on in my life right now that I would hate to string you along. I’m sure you’re a very nice gentleman and all, but right now isn’t a good time for me.”
                  He laughed.
                  "Well how about this." He turned to his car and grabbed a pen and tore off a piece of my grocery bag. "Whenever you get rid of all that extra baggage, I'm only one call away." He handed me the paper with his name and number on it and winked.
                  "Will do," I lied as I took the piece of paper out of his hand and placed it up in

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