Alone With You
himself. “You know, you’re not a very good sport.”
    A few minutes later, when she’d added a pink wedge to her collection, he rolled his eyes. “It’s the Entertainment category. You’re just getting the easy ones first so your pie looks better than mine.”
    “Now who’s a poor sport?”
    Inevitably, it became a race for the last wedge each needed, and the game got really intense. And when he blew his Geography question, the words he muttered were pretty intense, too.
    Darcy grabbed for the iPad. “My turn.”
    He held it out of her reach. “Don’t be grabby.”
    “It’s my turn.”
    “It’s my iPad.”
    She made a mock pouty face at him. “Oh, are you going to take your toys and go home now?”
    When she made another grab for it, he held it up over his head because he was tall and she was short, and she hated when he did that.
    What he didn’t anticipate was Darcy losing her balance and ending up straddling his lap or her hands bracing themselves on his chest. Or the way, to keep her from falling backward and knocking herself out on the monster coffee table, his hand slid under her ass.
    His body reacted immediately to the weight of her on his lap and he looked into her wide eyes. He wanted to say something flip, like “now who’s cheating?” but he was pretty sure nothing would come out but a hoarse whisper.
    When her weight shifted, which he was afraid might cause things to explode, he thought she was moving back to her own side of the couch. Instead, she settled herself more comfortably on his lap, her knees on either side of his hips.
    “This is a bad idea,” she said.
    “Very bad,” he agreed.
    “I don’t care anymore. Every single day I’m practically out of my mind, wanting you to touch me. I need you and screw the consequences.”
    Jake dropped the iPad. Maybe on the arm of the couch or maybe on the floor. Didn’t care. All he cared about was sliding his hands up under Darcy’s shirt and feeling the heat of her soft skin.
    All that mattered was touching her.

    D ARCY DIDN ’ T CARE if it was a bad idea. She didn’t care if everything blew up in her face tomorrow. All she cared about was getting Jake naked. Now.
    The shirt was easy and she practically purred running her hands over his bare chest. Then she leaned forward and ran her tongue up his breastbone to his Adam’s apple. He moaned, one hand clenching in her hair while the other pushed down on her hip, grinding her against him.
    “I’ve missed you,” she said before yanking off her shirt.
    “I’ve been right here.”
    “I’ve missed this. Us.” She undid the button on his jeans, loving the way his stomach muscles tensed when she brushed them with her knuckles.
    Very slowly, she worked his zipper down and then she rose onto her knees to give him room to shove his jeans and boxer briefs down past his hips.
    When she took him in hand, stroking him with the same slow deliberation he’d teased her with, he groaned and dropped his head back against the couch cushion.
    “Don’t do that too long if you have plans that include you,” he warned.
    “I’ve waited too long to let you have all the fun.”
    She had to stand to step out of her clothes while Jake fished a condom out from under the couch cushion.
    “Do you have those hidden around the apartment?”
    He grinned and tore open the foil. “Yes, I do. Strategically placed for almost any opportunity.”
    She laughed and straddled him again, this time relishing the heat of naked flesh. With her hands on his shoulders and their gazes locked, she lowered herself onto him. As she rocked her hips, slowly taking him all in, he fisted his hand in her hair and pulled her mouth to his.
    His kiss was savage, devouring her as he cupped her breast, pinching her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She squirmed, her hips circling, and he groaned.
    “No more games,” he said in a low, rough voice. “From now on, I’ll touch you when I damn well feel like

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