Anatoly Medlov
inches tall. He had a wide, bulky frame that he hid under a black, tailored suit. And he had the Medlov stance – confident, cocky, unmoved.
    “Why haven’t I heard of you before?” Dmitry asked.
    “My father didn’t think that it was smart to tell you about me,” he said, looking at Anatoly. “Wow, the apple truly did fall far from the tree that time, didn’t it?” He looked at the shorter, stocky blonde boss and suddenly felt a bit of superiority. Anatoly was barely six-feet tall. To call him a Medlov was almost blasphemous.
    Anatoly grinned. “I’ll have your head for dinner if you say one more fucking word.” Opening his coat pocket, he flashed a shiny blade. “Your papa ever show you how one of these works? You put in to the neck and slice.”
    “Easy boys,” Dmitry said amused. He turned to Gabriel. “Why are you here?”
    “I heard that the family had a loss. I’d never really laid eyes on you. I couldn’t help it. I had to come. I was already here on business.”
    “What business are you in?” Dmitry asked.
    “Are you serious?” Gabriel asked.
    “Boy, do not think that I will cut you this much slack,” Dmitry said, putting his thumb and index finger together. “Now answer me.” His voice was firm. “What is your business here?”
    Dmitry’s men prepared to pull their guns. Anatoly’s men had already pulled theirs.
    Gabriel looked around and decided to defuse the situation. There was no sense of dying on the first meeting. He looked at his men and lowered his hand, ordering them to put away their weapons.
    “Down, boys.” He turned and looked at his uncle. “Primarily, identity theft. But I’m dabbling now in guns and...” he laughed. “Meth.” He hunched his shoulders. It was known that the Medlov’s did not deal in drugs or human trafficking.
    “Bad cocktail,” Dmitry said, shaking his head. “Where are you based?”
    “New York,” Gabriel answered.
    “Fucking Liar. If you were there, I would have heard about it,” Anatoly said appalled.
    Gabriel looked at Anatoly and raised his brow. The guy had a real chip on his shoulder. “I’ve been there for quite a while, but we don’t run our operations like the old Vor – no disrespect or anything. All of my men have college degrees and professions outside of their professions, if you know what I mean . No one is doing it the old way. We’ve found a new cover, and it works better. It keeps the...cops off of us and our product.”
    Dmitry didn’t blink. A million thoughts processed instantly . A college degree ? He’s always wanted Anatoly to go to college. He was glad that someone had been able to do both. Relaxing his tense shoulders, he looked over at his son and smiled. “Do you have dinner plans tonight, Anatoly?”
    “ Da ,” Anatoly said snarling.
    “Cancel them. You’re going to have dinner with your cousin tonight,” Dmitry ordered.
    “What about me? I’ve got plans,” Gabriel said interrupting. He had his father3">? Hewit.
    “No, you don’t,” Dmitry said, turning back around to Gabriel. “And if you don’t check out tonight by seven with my men , your smart ass won’t leave this country alive.”
    Gabriel swallowed hard but wiped the smirk from his face. “Oh, I’ll check out. Call New York. They refer to me as college boy . They’ll tell you my whole story.” He slipped his balled fists in his pockets. “So where’s dinner, unc?”
    Dmitry’s eye flinched at Gabriel’s statement. “My hotel. Seven.”
    “Okay. Where’s that?” Gabriel asked, pulling out his Blackberry to type in the address.
    “ If you’re running shit like you say that you are, you’ll find it on your own and be there on time. If not, I’ll find you, and I’ll be there ,” Dmitry said, turning to walk away with his men.
    “Nice meeting you,” Gabriel called out as the men left. He could not help but grin to

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