
Anchored by Tracey Hoffmann

Book: Anchored by Tracey Hoffmann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracey Hoffmann
you. Give me your wisdom on how to pull this together without compromising my standards.
    Peace replaced frustration. Blue Bay was good for him. He loved the salt air, the friendly people and the slower pace of life. It was so different from the life he’d lived in Sydney.
    Bruno nudged David’s leg and he looked down, his hand idly scratched the big dog’s ear as his gaze returned to the window.
    Bruno nudged him again.
    His attention now fully on his dog, he squatted and placed both hands around Bruno’s head. “Okay, okay. What do you want?”
    He saw the lead on the floor. “Arr – a walk is it? Sounds good to me, and maybe we’ll bump into the beautiful Mia.”
    He felt better from the exercise and enjoyed Bruno’s frantic search for the Blue Tongue lizard that often sunned itself on the concrete step outside his house. Maybe he’d swing past Phil’s shop and pick up some cat food. He’d read somewhere that the large lizards would often steal food from the domestic animals.
    David entered the store and saw Phil was in conversation with an elderly woman and it took David a minute to remember her name. He’d met Mrs. Spencer a few times now and she seemed like a nice woman.
    He nodded to Phil and casually picked up a car magazine to leaf through while he waited. It was the sound of Mia’s name being mentioned that drew his attention to their conversation.
    “Such a sad, sad day, poor Mia.” Mrs. Spencer touched a handkerchief to the corner of her eye.
    “It still seems unbelievable that a thing like that can happen in Blue Bay.” Phil shook his head and David noticed Phil’s eyes had become watery.
    “Yes I know. Never heard of a hit and run accident like that happening in these parts. Such a tragedy,” Phil added.
    David’s face drained of color as he listened.
    Mrs. Spencer turned and saw David. “I didn’t see you there, sorry if I’ve been holding you up.” 
    “I’m in no hurry, Mrs. Spencer. I heard you mention Mia’s name. Are you talking about Mia Dawson?” David’s heart raced into overdrive. Had he lost Mia before they’d even had a chance to become friends? That would explain why he hadn’t seen her around or why she hadn’t returned his calls.
    “Yes, poor girl. Her mother was hit by a car and the driver didn’t even take the time to stop and see if she was okay. Margaret died yesterday.” Mrs. Spencer waved the floral handkerchief around expressively.
    David lowered his head to give himself time to regain control and consider the grief Mia must been feeling. “Have the police found out what happened?”
    Phil coughed and came into the conversation. “I was talking to Robert earlier today—.”
     “David dear, Robert is Margaret’s brother,” Mrs. Spencer gave a watery smile and nodded. “Carry on, Phillip—you were saying?”
    “Robert was saying there is no news on who was driving and no witnesses. The police will continue the investigation but it seems like it was a freak accident and the driver panicked and took off.”
    David desperately wanted to go to Mia. Had she been able to resolve the fight with her mother before she died?
    As neither Mrs. Spencer nor David said anything, Phil continued. “As you can imagine Robert is hurting bad, having been so close to Margaret. I asked him about the funeral and he said Jonathan had asked him to take care of all the arrangements as—”
    Mrs. Spencer interrupted, looking over at David. “Jonathan is Mia’s father, David.”
    “As I was saying,” Phillip’s eyebrows lifted and he squinted at Mrs. Spencer, “Robert is making all the arrangements for the funeral as Jonathan seems to be in a daze. Must be in shock, poor man.”
    “How’s Mia?” David asked.
    “Robert said he’d arrived at the hospital and found Mia clinging to her mother’s hand. Apparently little Mia looked up at him and said she didn’t want to leave because once she left the room things would never be the same again.” Phillip sniffed

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