Bet on Me

Bet on Me by Mia Hoddell

Book: Bet on Me by Mia Hoddell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Hoddell
buckled it, then twisted to watch him. Thankfully he’d pulled the grey T-shirt on and now studied the helmet like it was a bomb he needed to disarm.
    “Come on.” I patted the seat behind me and his forehead creased with annoyance.
    “You’re not being serious.”
    “Deadly,” I stated. “Now hurry up and get on.”
    “I’m not riding behind you. Are you trying to emasculate me completely?”
    I rolled my eyes. “Yes, that’s exactly what my intention was when I thought of this.”
    “Why can’t I drive?
    “Do you know how?” I countered.
    He fixed me with an incredulous look like I’d asked the most ridiculous question possible.
    “Right, I forgot. You’re the poster boy for bad boys everywhere, aren’t you?”
    “I don’t see you getting off that thing.”
    “Because I’m not.” I patted the seat behind me once more. “Hop on, Hazel.”
    “You really need to stop calling me that,” he growled and closed the gap between us in a couple of strides. His tall frame blocked out the sun completely, dropping the temperature as I sat in his shadow and craned my neck back to see every expression on his face. I gulped at the annoyance darkening his gaze.
    “Or what?” The words didn’t come out as confident as I would have liked. My throat betrayed me, the lack of moisture in my mouth making the words stick and come out in a squeak.
    “Or I’m going to have to punish you. Now get off the bike.”
    “Make me—”
    Suddenly his hands were at my waist. He hauled me off the scooter swiftly and I shrieked until he placed me on the ground next to him. Not able to get my bearings in time, when I finally composed myself he’d already taken my seat. A satisfied, but challenging, grin quirked his lips as if daring me to try and move him.
    “You don’t even know where we’re going.”
    “You can direct me.” I didn’t think it was possible for his mouth to curve further. He tapped the seat behind him and his eyes sparkled with mischief. “Hop on.”
    Grumbling under my breath, I swung my leg over the seat and he started the engine. I wasn’t stupid; I realised he’d won. I had no hope in hell of moving him without toppling the bike and I refused to pay for damages.
    “You’re going to have to hold on to me, Alaya.” He glanced over his shoulder, sounding too pleased with himself.
    “Will you just drive? I’ll be fine.”
    He guffawed at the aggravation in my voice. “I don’t know where we’re going, remember?”
    I punched him on the back, the thud of my fist only causing him to laugh harder. “That’s why I needed to drive! Go right out of the car park. We’re going canoe rafting.”
    Rather than follow my instructions, he glanced at me over his shoulder with a devious smirk. “I’ll make you a deal. If you haven’t held on to me by the time we reach wherever you’re taking us, I’ll let you drive back. How does that sound?”
    “Like I don’t have a choice in the matter,” I muttered, answering his question while keeping my voice low enough so he couldn’t hear me over the engine.
    “Didn’t quite catch that, Gingernut. What did you say?”
    “Fine, you’re on. Now will you hurry up and drive? We’re late.”
    “No problem, boss.” He revved the engine and shot forward, then rapidly came to a halt. The suddenness caused me to squeal and reach out for him on instinct. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I felt more than heard his laugh of victory.
    * * *
    Crystal clear water splashed up around us as we hurtled down the rapids. Our inflatable canoe bounced over the water beneath us, launching us into the air only to bring us both crashing back down a second later. I paddled furiously, dipping the oar in either side of me to steer us away from the rocks and Cole sat in the back doing the same. His strength powered us through the water easily, and every time I glanced back I caught sight of the muscles in his arms rippling as he fought against nature. Beads of water

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