Bethany's Heart (Unearthly World Book 3)

Bethany's Heart (Unearthly World Book 3) by C. L. Scholey

Book: Bethany's Heart (Unearthly World Book 3) by C. L. Scholey Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. L. Scholey
His impressive erection drew her attention for longer than necessary but she was curious. His cock was large but it was obvious he didn’t have a hard on.
    Finn was different than a human male and his uniqueness captivated her. Full blue lips pouted in a sensual way. The heat of his red eyes gave him an air of mystery. His hair was as white as Bethany’s was black and now lay flat and calm to just past his ass. Not small by any means Finn was close to seven feet. His black-booted feet made her wonder if he had toes. He was absolutely perfect. Bethany thought she’d give anything to see him naked.
    “Careful, Bethany,” Tasia said. “You’re holding the hand of a big ass alien and looking for all the world like you’d like him between your legs.”
    Bethany squealed and dropped Finn’s hand. She felt her face flame and her mouth dropped open. Finn grinned and before her eyes the wrinkles on his midsection flattened out, the spaces were nonexistent between his teeth. He was over seven feet again. His wild locks reached to caress her bare arms giving her chills. As Bethany stumbled away her eyes strayed to his cock. It was massive again.
    There was definitely going to be a problem.
    * * * *
    “See,” Finn said smugly as he sat down again next to Blu. “No problem. My little female is interested.”
    “Interested or not, when Titus arrives all of them will board the ship.”
    Finn chuckled. “I think it will be best if we take the one buried under the furs—in the furs. Some creatures are skittish, she has to be the most skittish alien I’ve ever encountered. Poor little human female. I wonder what she’s so frightened of.”
    “She won’t die of fright?”
    “Is that concern?”
    “I never said I wanted them dead. I’m not interested in a human female. Not yet anyway. They do have their appeal, when they’re quiet, or sleeping. You realize you’ll never have a son if you mate with the female. And if you have a female babe with her what will you do for a mate for her when the child grows up? What if your daughter wants to go off into the woods and only mate every two years like the Zargonnii females? She may choose her grandmother’s way of life and I bet Unna would embrace her gratefully. Or what if she decides she wants a Castian for a mate? ”
    “For a male who isn’t interested in human females you’ve been doing a lot of thinking. If I’m lucky enough to sire a daughter, watching her grow up will be its own reward. As for the one hiding in the furs, I have plans to make a quick trip to the ship before we board with the females. There is a useful drug I think I better use on the skittish one.”
    “Once you take a human for a mate you have to be responsible for them for the rest of their life. They can’t be left to their own devises. Our planet is too dangerous for them to wander. You’ll always have to be on guard. Your female offspring might have a better chance of survival, like our sons, but don’t count on it,” Blu argued.
    “Our males are so used to female loss I understand your apprehension, Blu. We are abandoned by our mothers at a month old for our fathers to find. The only way for you to ever raise a female child is with a human. For now, go and mate a Zargonnii female, if one will have you. Then wait like the rest of us poor bastards to see if you are given a son. I have done the wait—too many damned times. It hurts not knowing if your union was a success, if you have a daughter out there somewhere, never having laid eyes on her. My beating heart is done aching, I want to know what it’s like to love.
    “And our females experience the agony of loss when they hand over their sons. Don’t fool yourself, I bet your mother cried over her loss when she gave you and Zane up. There must be the remembrance of a female roaring in agony in your memories as your father picked you up for the first time. A human female can give me a child that will be mine. I will watch her mother

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