Blood Lust

Blood Lust by Jamie Salsibury

Book: Blood Lust by Jamie Salsibury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Salsibury
intimately between her legs and a big callused hand lay on her breast. Long fingers curved around it, saved only from touching her skin by the barrier of her thin muslin blouse. The tip of a finger brushed her nipple.
    The moment she felt it, her soft nipple hardened and she felt a unfamiliar, soft heat that slid into her belly. Dear God! She shifted herself, but could not move, and only succeeded in some of her more feminine parts being moved closer against his leg. One of her hands was tightly bound, but she could move the other. She lifted it slightly as she felt his shirt beneath her fingertips. A worse scenario she could not have planned. Hours of lying beneath him held her immobile. As the long minutes passed, a soft ache arose in one of her breasts, tempting her to press herself down more into his hand, one which was in a lower place.
    Damn! What was the matter with her? How had she let this happen? By the time evening came around, his heavy weight had begun to take its toll. She was exhausted from trying to strain away from him, fighting to get free. Not sure how much longer she would be in this situation, she welcomed sleep. And though the fire had long gone out, she did not feel the cold of the night.
    William stirred sometime during the night. His head was pounding, however he found his body strangely lethargic, except for one part.
    He was hard. Hard as a rock, throbbing with the same pulsing that was coursing through his head. And for the first time in a long time, he felt his blood thirst awaken within him. He had had it under control for some time, but it was there. He recognized the urge. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, opening his eyes to look around. Sweet Jesus! He was on the floor! The room was dark and cold. He looked around the darkness, looking for her, frantic that she may have escaped. Then the afternoon came rushing back. He felt her underneath him even before he moved. Her skirt was hiked up and her legs apart under him, and saw that his hand held one of her breasts.
    William groaned, his arousal becoming more intense, pressing into warmness between her legs. His body throbbed in response and quickly he got up on his knees, waking her with his movement. She blinked, looking into his face.
    He smiled at her. “Enjoying your nap, my lady? I should have thought you would have preferred a bed.”
    “You, you bastard!” She yelled, rolling away from him, only to be caught by the short coil of the leather around her wrist.
    “Take it easy my lady. This was your misadventure, not mine.”
    “You are blaming me? That it is my fault? Nothing that has happened is my fault. You are the one who abducted me!”
    “And I am the one who grows tired of your attempts to escape.” He unsteadily rose to his feet and helped her up.
    “Hear me and hear me well, my lady, try another stunt like this and I will not be held accountable for what may happen. I promise you I will not be so forgiving next time.” He looked at her intently. “Do I make myself clear? Do we understand each other?”
    She stood there for a few minutes, saying nothing, then easing herself away she finally replied, “There is a simple way to end this you know. You could just let me go.”
    “I will when the time is right.”
    “And just when will that be? Once the time for my wedding has come and gone?”
    He glared down at her. “Exactly.”
    “Believe me, one day you will thank me.”
    “Thank you? Are you mad?”
    He ignored her ranting. “It’s cold in here.” He bent and pulled the knife he carried in his boot out, brought the blade up and sliced through the thong binding their wrists together.
    Foraging through the logs beside the hearth, he stacked them carefully atop the coals, using the billows to rekindle the last of the embers into flame. “A fire will be welcome.”
    “You are incorrigible!” She turned away from him and marched toward the stairs. William tried not to notice how her hair

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