Blood Vow

Blood Vow by Karin Tabke

Book: Blood Vow by Karin Tabke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karin Tabke
Tags: Romance
was one fucking ugly beast of a wolf and standing defiantly in the center was the beautiful princess.
    Lucien growled and shook his head as relief filled him. Falon never ceased to amaze him. She was safe and just as difficult as usual.
    He shifted to human at the same time Rafe did.
    “Poor Fenrir, if he only knew what he was getting himself into,” Rafe said, shaking his head.
    “If we leave her with him long enough, he’ll beg us to take her back.” Lucien couldn’t wait to get her back into his arms.
Rafe called
. Don’t look up, but we’re here, on the jutting rock to your seven o’ clock.
    Stand back! He’s as strong as a Titan
, she warned.
    Why are you bleeding?
Lucien demanded.
    I attacked him and when he shook me off, I sliced my back on a rock. I’m fine.
    Falon, we’re downwind of you, I need you to turn around and face us, then get him to move around and face you so his back is to us,
Rafe instructed.
    I can’t.
    Of course you can! Just start talking to him and moving, he will follow,
he said, frustrated.
    I told him as long as he held me captive I wasn’t going to talk to him unless hell froze over.
    Well it just froze over damn it!
Lucien cursed.
    “She’s going to be the death of me,” Rafe muttered.
    Whatever you do, angel face, don’t look up when we come in,
Lucien cautioned.
    I won’t. But be careful. He’s mean and royally pissed off at the moment.
    So are we,
Lucien said.
    As humans they watched Falon maneuver Fenrir around. She stood up and got in his face, screaming and yelling at him, her hands flying in angry gestures. Fenrir stood silent, and took it.
    Good girl, keep him focused completely on you.
    Rafe looked to Lucien. “Let’s hope the poison metal works on immortal wolves, at least enough to slow him down.”
    “If it doesn’t then it’s on to Plan B,” Lucien said.
    Rafe looked at Fenrir’s deformed human back. Both blades deep between the shoulder blades should stop him long enough for them to hack off a few body parts, grab Falon, and then get the hell out of there.
    “There is no Plan B,” Rafe said.
    Grimly, Lucien smiled. “Then I guess we make Plan A work.”
    Pulling at her hair like a banshee, Falon railed at Fenrir. “And if you think I’m going to spend my time running after your kids, you can forget it! I’m not doing it. I’m not cooking for you, either,
hunting for you! Why did ya have to pick me? Why not some nice sweet little she-wolf? I’m only half Lycan. And I hate shifting. It hurts and I’m always ruining clothes!”
    She stopped and put her hands on her hips, fighting to hold her fear at bay. “Hey! Are you even listening to me? Is this how it’s going to be? I tell you how I feel and you ignore me? I swear you are so typical. You—”
    It took everything Falon had not to watch in wonder as Rafael and Lucien, in their glorious wolf forms, their swords gripped in their powerful jaws, leapt from the jutting rock formation three hundred feet up and behind her. They shifted to human form in perfect symmetry just before they hurled those nasty poison swords into Fenrir’s back.
    As the blades struck home, Fenrir screamed in agonizing pain. Lucien landed on Fenrir’s shoulders and shoved the blades so deep into his back the pointed tips erupted from his chest, blood spraying in a high arch across the trampled ground. Fenrir flung Lucien back so viciously he slammed into a tall evergreen, cracking the trunk in half. As Rafael came around to grab Falon, Fenrir backhanded him, sending him careening across the glen into another tree.
    Fenrir’s red eyes blazed furiously. He looked down at his bleeding chest and roared as he pulled the blades through with a sickening sluicing sound, and flung them at Falon’s feet. He snarled and shifted, then bounded after Lucien. Lucien leapt from the tree with another sword in his hand. As Fenrir approached, Lucien flipped backward in a
move, landing on Fenrir’s back as the beast

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