Born in the Shadows (In the Shadows Series Book 1)

Born in the Shadows (In the Shadows Series Book 1) by Courtney McPhail

Book: Born in the Shadows (In the Shadows Series Book 1) by Courtney McPhail Read Free Book Online
Authors: Courtney McPhail
predators. We can make ourselves appear incredibly attractive to humans and lure them to us. You are new so you’ve got the dial up to eleven, even a blind human would be drawn to you. Eventually you’ll learn to control it and use it to your advantage when hunting for a human to feed on.”
                  The way Mary talked about humans sent a shiver of trepidation running through her. “Does this mean I’m evil? That I don’t have a soul?”
                  “No, not at all,” Mary said with a wince, standing straight up and trying to reassure her. “Sorry, the predator part probably sounded horrible. Anne just tends to talk like a scientist with her whole top of the food chain/survival of the fittest crap and I guess it’s rubbed off on me. Like I said, we aren’t demons, we still have our souls. Our kind is capable of both good and evil, just like it was when we were human.”
                  “So I’m not the walking dead?”
                  “Well, technically, you did die. Your heart stopped beating, your blood stopped flowing so for all intents and purposes, you were dead. But once Nicky fed you the blood, you were brought back to life. The blood started your heart and it is what keeps it beating now.”
                  So she had died but she wasn’t dead anymore. She had a soul, a beating heart and a reflection but also supernatural eyes, clear skin and a new set of fangs.  
                  “All of this is very confusing,” she replied, reaching up rub her temples where she could feel the beginning of a headache brewing.
                  Mary smiled at her sympathetically. “Easiest way to deal with it is just forget everything you learned in the movies.”
                  “If you guys, or I guess, us guys aren’t evil, why stay hidden from humans?”
                  “Because it would harm both humans and Shadow Walkers if we didn’t. If our existence was common knowledge, humans would know that our blood can bring them back to life. Despite our higher thought processes, Shadow Walkers and humans are animals at heart. Our survival instinct overrides our morals and emotions. Humans would want to use our kind to keep themselves alive and we would want to fight them off. It would be carnage for both sides and in the end we would destroy both races.”
                  Cordelia could see the logic in that. Throughout history, humans had exploited and destroyed each other. They would surely do the same to the Shadow Walkers if they had the opportunity.
                  Now was probably not the best time to be getting philosophical. She had to focus on herself and her immediate problems, like what the hell she was supposed to do now that she was a Shadow Walker.
                  “So what happens now?”
                  “Why don’t you get dressed and come downstairs to meet everyone else first,” Mary said before moving back into the bedroom and Cordelia followed. “We can talk about the rest later.”
                  Mary went to the armoire and opened one of the drawers, pulling out a pair of sweatpants. “I know they aren’t high fashion but we aren’t very formal around here.”
                  “Better than being pants less,” Cordelia quipped before pulling on the sweatpants.
                  Mary led them out into a long hallway with dark wood paneling and plush green carpet. There were small tables with vases full of fresh flowers and water color paintings placed between the doors that lined the hallway. She counted at least six doors and she wondered how many rooms there were in this house.
                  “How big is this place?”
                  “Pretty big. There are two wings here on the second floor with twelve bedrooms. The first floor is a little

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