Catch Me (The Winters Family Series: Book 1)

Catch Me (The Winters Family Series: Book 1) by Terra Kelly

Book: Catch Me (The Winters Family Series: Book 1) by Terra Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terra Kelly
    Putting her finger to her chin like she was thinking, "Hmmmmm... tonight... red." Isabel sat down at the kitchen table.  She had cleaned the flour off her face, and threw on a clean cotton tee.
    Drew walked to the kitchen table and filled Isabel's glass with a Pinot Noir.  He was standing behind her, bent down and whispered in her ear, "You are amazing!"  He sat the bottle of wine on the table, then sat in the chair opposite her.  He looked at everything on the table, then back at her.  With a gleam in his eyes he said, "Thank you for making dinner."
    She had placed the chicken salad in bowl with a spoon, sliced several pieces of bread, and placed them on a plate.  A few condiments, sliced cheese, and a bowl of pickles and olives were also available.
    She felt heat radiating from the top of her head, all the way to the tips of her toes, and especially in her most intimate spot.  She slowly raised her head and looked into his eyes.  Isabel cleared her throat and tried to clear her head, smiling she asked, "Do you like to cook?"
    Laughing, he said, "If boiling pasta, and throwing in a can of marinara sauce counts."
    Isabel put her hands on her face, shook her head while laughing, "Ummmmm... no!"
    Drew just looked at her and with a low, seductive voice, "Well, good thing I met you then, right?"
    Isabel saw the look in Drew's eyes, that look of passion.  What was happening?  They seemed so comfortable together, like they had known each other for years.  Yet she just met him a little over a week ago.  If Drew kept up this delicious flirting, she was going to need something stronger than wine soon.
    A few hours later, after they both embarrassed themselves by eating too much,  they were walking hand-in-hand on the beach.
    Drew wasn't for sure what happened, but in the last 36 hours Isabel had broken through every one of his defenses.  He really didn't want to go back to the reality of work.  All he wanted was to continue holding, touching, and kissing her continuously.  There was so much more to Isabel, she was honest, intelligent, and sexy as Hell.  Plus, to top it all off, she was an amazing cook.  What he was trying to reason with in his head was, do I tell her how much she means to me? Is it too soon? Would being honest just scare her away?  To be safe he decided to wait to say anything to her.  Instead he turned to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
    Drew snuggled her close, "This has been a wonderful weekend."
    Isabel smiled, "You say that like this is the end?  Like we will never see each other again?"
    Still holding her, Drew loosened his hold some, "What?  No, no, no."
    Isabel let out a soft laugh, touched her hand to his chest, "Relax.  I am just teasing you." She turned out of his embrace, and put her arm behind his back, and started walking.  "Growing up, when we were visiting family on a vacation, my Mom would always start saying, like two days before the trip was over, 'Well, it is almost over!'  Like we would never see that family member again.  AND we all couldn't figure out why it was ending in her eyes two days earlier."
    Isabel just laughed softly, "We tease her about it still today.  You might even hear her say it when she comes this weekend."  Stopping suddenly, "Did I even tell you they were coming here for a visit this weekend?"
    Drew was enjoying her story, the night, the walk, then she stopped and startled him.  Looking at her with concern, "Yes you did."  Softening his look, and smiling, "I believe you said in a week. How long will they be here?"
    Isabel took in a sigh of relief, "Whew, I totally forgot if I told you."  Playfully punching him, "you have kept me so distracted this weekend."
    With a look of shock, Drew said innocently, "I have kept YOU distracted?  Hmmmm... you're the one who keeps making delicious food, looking delicious, and smiling just like that."  Moving in closer, he moved his finger across her bottom lip.
    Isabel took Drew's

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