Chasing Victory (The Winters Sisters)
    “Yes, currently she’s working for a competitor. HQ wants me to contact her via email and see if I can sway her to come on board.”
    “And if not?” Max asked.
    “Then we go to plan B.”
    “I’m hoping the plan is to start right away, I hate camping,” Jerry whined.
    “I’ll be sending her an email this morning.”

    * * *

    Victory loved being away from her everyday responsibilities. In an effort to clear her mind of Jeffery, she got up at first light, took out her bike, leashed up Dax and Asia, and went for a morning ride. The park was beautiful and it was so peaceful she could hear the sound of every bird, animal and insect. She returned to the motorhome, made coffee and breakfast, pulled out her laptop, and sat down in one of the overstuffed chairs in the main salon.
    Being away was good, but she still needed to stay in touch with the office. She read and answered her email until she came to an unfamiliar address and a subject line that surprised her. Knocking her coffee onto the floor, she grabbed her computer and ran to Payton’s bedroom.
    “Payton, wake up. You have to see the email that I received. You won’t believe this.”
    “What time is it? It can’t be morning yet. What are you doing up, this is supposed to be our vacation,” Payton complained as she stretched and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
    “You have to see this now! And yes, it is morning.”
    Payton took the laptop from Victory. She placed it on her lap and turned to stack some pillows behind her back.
    “Payton,” Victory whined impatiently.
    “Okay, okay. Dear Ms. Winters, My name is Dave Anderson. I am an Executive Vice President for Biotec. I was referred to you by Jeffery Maxwell. I would like to arrange an appointment to talk about the possibility of you coming to work for our company. Jeffery has been working on a project and unfortunately was transferred to one of our satellite offices. He believes you would be highly qualified to become lead project manager for the project that he has left behind. Please contact me at your earliest convenience.” Payton finished reading the email and looked up and Victory, her hazel eyes shining bright and huge. “Yeah, right. Jeffery was ”transferred.” You are SO not going to fall for this.”
    “We have no idea who murdered Jeffery, except for the fact that Detective Howard was there. I heard nothing to indicate that his company was behind it. We have no way of knowing if he might have been involved in something on the sly. We have both known good people who were swayed by money. Dave Anderson is probably in the dark about Jeffery’s whereabouts and told he was transferred. But before I tell him no, maybe I can pull some information out of him about what Jeffery was working on,” Victory said as she typed out a response and sent it.
    Victory’s computer beeped, alerting her of an incoming email. “Dear Ms. Winters, I can’t really get into the details of Jeffery’s project over the internet, because of the highly classified work he was involved in. Suffice it to say, your skills and past experience would be a good fit.”
    “That’s very grey. I have worked on hundreds of different projects, looks like we’re not going to get any information from Mr. Anderson. Time to mention that I already have a job that I love, thank you very much,” Victory said.
    “A good start, but I bet that isn’t enough to make them go away. Based on what you heard in the woods, it sounds like there are not very many people available with the type of skills they need. However, I find it difficult to believe that Biotec would be involved in Jeffery’s murder,” Payton said.
    “I’m not interested in the position anyway.” Victory took her computer back from Payton and started typing. “Dear Mr. Anderson, Thank you so much for your invitation, I am flattered. However, I have a job that I like very much, with a company that I love. Therefore I will have to turn down your offer. Thank

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