Coming Back To You

    Chapter 5
    January 15
    As Mark pounded the ever-living crap out of the
weighted bag, sweat poured down his body. And this was his
cooldown. He’d already spent an hour banging out reps in the free
weights. His muscles were screaming.
    Mark’s gloved fist smacked the bag as he
pulled up and glanced over his shoulder at Rob. They hadn’t talked
since New Year’s Eve. Partly because Mark was still angry with him,
but also because he was still too pissed off at the world to make a
genuine apology for blowing up at Rob. It seemed as more days
passed, the more agitated he grew. He’d never experienced feeling
like this…a blend of helplessness, sorrow, impatience, and rage.
What a destructive cocktail.
    “Hey.” Mark steadied the swinging red bag and
rubbed the back of his wrist across his dripping forehead.
    “Happy birthday.” Rob set down his bag. “I
know I’m a few days late, but…”
    Tense discomfort settled between them. Mark
had never gone longer than a few days without talking to Rob or
joining him for a game of hoops, but ever since Rob met Holly, and
especially since New Year’s Eve and Mark’s cataclysmic meltdown,
they had grown further and further apart.
    “Thanks.” Mark took a step back then turned
for the bench where his half-empty water bottle rested. He popped
the cap and swallowed a healthy gulp.
    “Mark, look…” Rob sighed. “I’m sorry about
New Year’s Eve. Holly and I shouldn’t have sprung Crystal on you
like that.”
    “You think?” Mark winced at the harshness in
his voice. Shit, but his fuse was impossibly short. Why the hell
did he have to snap at Rob every time he saw him? If anything, he
should be apologizing to Rob, not getting an apology from him.
    Rob’s brow dug into his eyelids. “Hey, give
me a break. I’m trying to say I’m sorry here.”
    Mark set his bottle on the bench. He wasn’t
being fair to Rob. “I know.” He turned and offered Rob a crooked
grin. “I know you are, and I’m sorry for being such an ass. I—”
    “You miss her.”
    Mark’s blood ran cold for a split second as
he met Rob’s gaze.
    “You. Miss. Her.” Rob said again. “I get
    “I don’t want to talk about it.” Mark
returned to the bag and shot a vicious jab-cross into the red
leather. Just the mention of Karma sent a shock of frustration down
his spine. He’d promised to let fate decide his future, but the
longer he waited, the harder it became. He was beginning to think
he was going to have to renege on his deal with the universe, say
to hell with patience, and take matters into his own hands.
    Rob remained silent for several seconds then
said, “I’m going to ask Holly to marry me.”
    Mark halted in mid-jab. Ice plunged into his
blood again. He’d known months ago that this moment was coming, but
Rob’s announcement still caught him off guard. “I figured.”
    Deep down, he was happy for Rob, but seeing
Rob and Holly thriving was a painful reminder of how alone Mark was
and what he’d lost when he walked away from Karma. Right now, the
mental smack in the head was too much for Mark to handle.
    Rob’s brow crinkled. “You ‘figured’? How
about ‘Congratulations, Rob’? Don’t you think that would be more
    Mark lowered his gaze. The blue mat under his
feet was dappled with sweat. “Congratulations.” Then he faced the
punching bag again, turning his back on Rob. He didn’t need to see
someone else’s happiness when he’d squandered away his own like a
dumb shit.
    “You know what, Mark? Fuck you.” Rob swiped
his bag off the floor. “Fuck. You.” He turned on his heel and
headed for the exit.
    Mark steadied the bag with one hand, glaring
at Rob’s retreating back. As Rob disappeared around the corner,
Mark blew out a frustrated breath as his shoulders sagged. What was
he doing? He was chasing everyone away. Karma. Crystal. Now Rob. He
was isolating himself. He hadn’t even seen his parents

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