Covert Cravings

Covert Cravings by Maggie Carpenter

Book: Covert Cravings by Maggie Carpenter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Carpenter
    “ Aaaarrgggh.  I hate this!” Emily cried. 
    “Why?  You want to get your butt really spanked, don’t you?” Sam queried.
    “Ssshhh!   Someone will hear you,” Emily said, testily.
    “Ok.  Well, don’t you?” Sam repeated, whispering across the table.
    “Yeah.  Kind of.  I guess so.  Yeah,” Emily admitted.  “Oh Lord.  This is really tough.  I don’t know what to do.”
    “Well it’s only been, what, a few days?  You don’t necessarily have to do anything right now.  I’d just wait and see what he does next,” Sam advised.  “My dad always said, ‘let it develop’.  Given enough time maybe he’ll confront you.  If he does you’ll have to tell him, and then you’ll get your ass spanked,” Sam laughed. “One way or another this whole blog thing is going to get your butt spanked!”
    “It’s not funny,” Emily snapped.  “You know what else is really weird?”
    Emily leaned across the table.
    “He hasn’t had sex with me.  I mean – intercourse.  Not yesterday morning, not last night, and not this morning.  I’m dying.  Yeah it was awesome last night but when I woke up this morning I really wanted to have sex and he told me I’d have to wait.  What’s that about?” 
    “Oh.  You have to beg,” Sam said with a knowing smile.
    “I have to beg?” Emily repeated, aghast.
    “Yep.  You have to show him how much you want his cock,” Sam whispered.
    Emily sat back and stared across the table at her much more experienced friend.  “How do I do that?” Emily asked.
    “Get on your knees and beg.  Simple.  Offer to give him a BJ,” Sam suggested.
    “Well, I’d be happy do that.”
    “But you have to mean it and you have to love it.  He’ll know if you’re faking.”
    “Good heavens,” Emily sighed.  “What kind of a mess have I gotten myself into?
    “Would have been much easier if you’d just told him what you wanted in the first place, instead of telling your computer,” Sam said, sounding much too wise for Emily’s taste at that particular moment.
    “Yeah – well – that proverbial ship has sailed,” Emily lamented.  “Ok, so I’ll just let things settle into whatever they’re going to settle into.  And get on my knees.  See if you’re right.”
    She chewed thoughtfully on her Pad Thai, then looked back up at her friend.
    “Hey Sam, do you think he really would spank me.  I mean – really spank me.  Like what I write about?” she asked seriously.
    “I don’t know,” Sam replied.  “What do you think?”
    Sipping her iced tea she drummed her fingertips on the table. 
    “I can’t imagine it.  He’s so gentle – he’d never want to hurt me.”
    “It’s not about hurting you.  It’s not like that.  It’s sexual – it’s erotic discipline – it’s too hard to explain.  You have to experience it to understand it,” Sam said, gesturing in the air.
    “No, I don’t have to experience it.  I know what you mean because I feel it when I write it,” Emily replied. 
    “Well, if there’s been a Dom living inside him all this time, or if he’s been a Dom all along and just didn’t think you’d like it, he’ll definitely spank you – for real.  You’ll only know the answer to the question when it happens.”
    Emily felt a warm chill prickle down her spine.
    Back at the Surf Shop, Scott had just finished going through his inventory.  It had taken ten days but now it was all done and he could relax.  Everything had been accounted for, his sales were up 37% from the year before and he was actually contemplating taking over the vacant store next to his and expanding his operation. 
    If he went through with it he wanted to bring Emily on board.  She had done a terrific job at the boutique with her creative displays and her people skills.  But she would have to straighten up and be more on the ball.  He knew Suzanne covered for her in small but important ways.  If he was going to

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