Cowgirl Come Home
yet.” She brushed back a thick lock of dark auburn hair and let it drop. He’d always loved her hair and was glad she hadn’t cut it. “Mom dropped me off on her way to the library. A visiting nurse is at the house to help OC shower. He’ll probably pass out and sleep all afternoon. No stamina whatsoever.”
    Paul didn’t give a damn about Oscar Jenkins’s medical challenges. From what he heard, OC brought about all his problems by being a bullheaded ass. “Is the ramp working out?”
    “Yes. It’s perfect. Thank you.” She sat forward, shoulders straight. Her expression made it clear she was done talking about her father.
    “I need a workshop. Nothing big. Room for three or four tables. Dad refuses to give up the basement, and Mom’s afraid if I push him too hard he’ll backslide into depression.”
    “For your jewelry business?”
    “Yes. My orders have been picking up steadily. If I want to take this to the next level, I need to hire some crafters to fabricate my designs. Mom said you’ve got your ear to the ground when it comes to Marietta business and you might know of something that isn’t even on the market yet.”
    “To buy or rent?”
    “Rent,” she said without hesitation.
    Of course. Why did I ask?
    “It doesn’t have to be big, but I’d need Internet access. All of my sales are online at the moment.”
    “So, you’re not talking retail?”
    She took a deep breath, as if preparing to jump off a cliff. “I…no. Not really. It’s the next logical step, but…” She looked around, not making eye contact. He knew what she was thinking. ABM—anywhere but Marietta. If she left again soon, what would that mean to his X-rated dreams?
    “There are a couple of empty buildings around. I don’t know if they’re for sale or rent. But I know someone who would know. Jane Weiss.”
    “The Chamber of Commerce lady.”
    Her tone didn’t sound thrilled.
    Paul nodded. “She’s a real go-getter. Did you hear about the bridal contest they sponsored this spring? The winner got their wedding and reception at the Graff, plus three nights in the honeymoon suite as a prize.”
    “Wow. Mom sent me a picture of the Graff. Pretty impressive.”
    “Put Marietta on the map. Now, she’s focused on turning the Great Marietta Fair into a world-class destination. Jane is a true force of nature.”
    Bailey’s pretty tan faded a bit. She licked her bottom lip in a sure sign of nervousness. His Bailey unnerved by meeting another woman? Impossible.
    When he reached for his phone, she scooted forward to rest her hand on top of his. Her touch set off a series of wicked visuals straight out of last night’s dream. His mouth went dry and he had to remind himself to breathe.
    “Wait. I think I might be doing this ass-backwards, as OC likes to say. Mom was so gung-ho I completely lost sight of the fact I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t even have a budget in mind.” She pulled a large, beautifully tooled western purse onto her lap and dug out a folded piece of paper. “The consultant who drew up my business plan focused on e-retail, which required practically no start-up funds.”
    He gave the simple operating budget for B. Dazzled Western Bling a quick glance. “Love the name.”
    Her smile seemed bittersweet.
    She re-folded her business plan and put it back in her purse. “Maybe I should just keep selling one piece at a time online until we know how things are going to work out with OC.”
    Paul rocked back in chair.
    “What do you mean?”
    He looked her up and down, his gaze lingering on her chest. Like the horn dog I am. “Did you make that necklace?”
    “Of course.”
    “It’s great. A little flashy and very classy. Just like you.”
    The color came back into her cheeks.
    “Thank you. I think.”
    “You’re thinking too damn small, Bailey. This is Montana. Big sky, big dreams. You used to know that. And you are exactly the reason you need a store—to model

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