Destiny Revealed

Destiny Revealed by Nicole Bailey

Book: Destiny Revealed by Nicole Bailey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Bailey
The old Dash would have made some rude or smart
comment, but he just shrugged his shoulders at Jack.
“So help me Dash—” Jack started. He was interrupted
by Nat kissing him again.
“This reminds me a little of Mexico,” Nick said in my
ear as he kissed it.
I smiled at the memory. “Yeah, except tonight we can
go home and…” I let the sentence drift off. He turned me
around suddenly and kissed me deeply.
“Seriously guys, still standing here,” Dash complained
I pulled away from Nick. I felt bad and decided we
should do something else. “Hey guys,” I yelled above the
music. “I want to see Jack and Dash do the sumo
wrestling.” Dash didn’t look like he was a fan of my idea.
But Jack was excited at the chance to take him down.
We left Rene on the dance floor with blond girl and the
rest of us made our way across the field to the wrestling
circle. They had placed several large wrestling mats
together from the gym and made a large circle out of duct
tape in the center. There were two football players wearing
giant sumo wrestler outfits that were blown up with air. The
match started and they ran at each other, bouncing off one
another as they collided.
We watched for several minutes as they both tried to
throw each other out of the ring. Everyone laughed and
Jack rubbed his hands together in anticipation. “Hey, no
using magic to win,” Dash warned Jack.
“He can’t do it by himself,” I reminded him.
“Yeah, but you and Nat are here,” Dash said.
“Oh, good point,” I said.
“Fine, but no werewolf strength,” Jack agreed.
“Dude, that’s not something I can turn on and off.” Jack
looked like he was starting to re-think the wrestling thing
when the football players handed their suits over to them.
They looked absolutely ridiculous and I took my phone
from my pocket to snap a few pictures. “Bring it on,” Jack
said to Dash as they stood across the circle from each other.
“You’re goin’ down,” Dash yelled as the referee started
“Please tell me you’re recording this,” Nat laughed. I
hit the record button on my phone. “You are so posting that
As Jack ran at him, Dash jumped to the right almost too
quick to see. “Werewolf reflexes,” Nick grinned. “Sorry,
Nat, but I don’t think Jack has a prayer.”
Dash continued to dodge Jack until I heard Jack yell,
“Stay still!” Dash froze in place. I felt a little tingle in my
fingers and realized Jack was using magic to stop Dash.
“Hey, no fair,” Dash complained. Jack finally collided
with Dash and tried to shove him out of the circle.
“Sof, release him. That’s not cool,” Nick said.
“Fine,” I sighed. “Dash, move!” Dash was able to move
and jumped just before he went out of the circle. He
grabbed Jack’s ankles and tossed him to the side, where he
landed outside the ring.
“Oh yeah!” Dash cheered. “World domination!”
Nick lowered his head. “I am not proud to claim him
right now.”
“Hey, you’re the one who made me save him,” I
reminded him.
Nat went over to help Jack up and mend his broken ego.
“You did great!”
Jack wasn’t having any of it. “I can’t believe I let
myself get beat by that freak.”
“Moi?” Dash raised his eyebrows at Jack as they took
their suits off. “That’s not what your sister thinks.”
“You better run Dash,” I yelled.
Jack ran toward Dash as he took off. “Will he ever
learn?” I asked Nick.
“I highly doubt it,” he said.
“Should we help him?”
“No,” Nat said. “Maybe he’ll finally learn to shut up.”
“I highly doubt it,” I repeated Nick. The three of us
laughed and walked to the food tables. They had thought of
everything. There were five types of pizza, tacos, burritos,
giant soft pretzels, chips in every flavor (including
ketchup), cake, rice Krispy treats, and mass quantities of
candy. There wasn’t a single piece of fruit or vegetable to
be found.

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