Dorothy Garlock

Dorothy Garlock by Restless Wind

Book: Dorothy Garlock by Restless Wind Read Free Book Online
Authors: Restless Wind
City and ask directions to the Spurlock ranch. The Spurlocks will tell them where to find me.
    I’m in the market for two thousand head of cattle if the price is right. You can write in care of the general store here in Junction City.
    Logan Horn
    He sealed the envelope, addressed it, and handed it to the storekeeper. “Add the cost to my bill.”
    “Don’t worry about that. I’ll have my hand deep in your pocket by the time I fill the list and add on the team and wagon.” He selected a shovel from the group that stood against the wall and picked up a couple of ax heads. “Mind telling me where you’re fixing to settle?”
    “I don’t mind. I bought some land out beyond the Spurlocks.”
    “Out beyond the Spurlocks? Would that be the range Clayhill grazes?”
    “I’ve heard it mentioned that he does. My cows will be on it now.”
    “Wheeee . . . I’m thinkin’ there’s goin’ to be hair in the butter when Clayhill finds out.”
    “I wrote to a friend about finding me some cattle. I’d appreciate it if you’d hold my mail here for me.”
    “I do it all the time. I hold all Mrs. Parnell and Cooper’s mail. How are you amakin’ out, Mrs. Parnell? Cooper still aplannin’ on getting him a fancy stallion and goin’ in the horse business?”
    “He’s afiguring on it. It may not be for a year or two. We’ve still got a lot to do out at our place.”
    “I would make you acquainted with your almost neighbor if I knew his name. My name’s McCloud.”
    Logan held out his hand. “Logan Horn.” The man grasped it firmly.
    “This here’s Mrs. Parnell. She and her boy have a spread back up in the hills beyond where the Kentucky people settled.”
    Logan tipped his hat. “It’s nice to make your acquaintance, ma’am.”
    “The same here, Mr. Horn.”
    “Here’s your team and wagon.” Mr. McCloud went to the door and looked out. “Pull ’er up here, Virgil,” he called. “He’s goin’ to load up.”
    “I’m going to add a few more things to the pile before you add it up. Mrs. Parnell, I’d he obliged if you’d pick out a piece of dress goods for a little girl about this high.” He held his hand to his waist. “Her hair is light and her eyes . . . I’m afraid I didn’t notice.”
    “It sounds like Odell Spurlock. I’ve met her and her sister.”
    “That’s her name. Her folks were mighty kind to me a few days back.”
    “I know just the piece.” Mrs. Parnell pulled a bolt of bright yellow from beneath the other material. “This would be pretty on Odell, especially if you got a length of yellow ribbon for her hair.”
    “Thank you, ma’am. Cut off whatever Mrs. Parnell thinks will be needed, Mr. McCloud, and add the ribbon and a tablet and pencil to the bill. I’ll load the things you’ve listed.”
    On his second trip to the wagon he glanced down the street and saw the Land Office man standing in the sunlight talking to another man. They watched him as he tossed the tools in the wagon. On his next trip he noticed three or four men had bunched around the Land Office man. They were all looking at him.
    Logan cursed under his breath. Goddamn! Would it ever be over?
    When he came out of the store again he was carrying a sack of flour on his shoulder and the men were standing beside his wagon. Shorty Banes, from the restaurant, was with them. Logan took time to wonder why he was called Shorty. He was big. Perhaps an inch shorter than Logan’s six-feet, two-inches, and he was heavy. His head sat on his broad shoulders like a bull’s. The men beside him ranged in size from average to tall, but none was as powerfully built as Shorty Banes. Logan paused, looked each man in the eye, and then shouldered his way through the pack to put the sack in the wagon.
    “Do you reckon he thinks he’s agoin’ to stay on that land, Shorty?”
    “Even a stupid Injun ain’t that dumb.”
    Logan’s muscles bunched. It wasn’t going to be easy, he thought.
    “I ain’t never seen a redskin

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