dragon archives 02 - pursued by a dragon

dragon archives 02 - pursued by a dragon by linda k hopkins

Book: dragon archives 02 - pursued by a dragon by linda k hopkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: linda k hopkins
Margaret turned to look at her.
    “I will be returning home in two days, but if you have some time available, please call on me before I leave. Favian speaks very admiringly of you, and I would like to further our acquaintance while the opportunity exists. Madame Bradshaw is a very late riser, so I am free in the mornings. Can I expect you to call tomorrow?”
    Cathryn hesitated before answering. She liked this friendly and unpretentious woman, and wanted to get to know her more, but she did not want Margaret to believe that she returned Favian’s regard for her.
    “Yes, I would like that,” Cathryn said cautiously, “but I don’t want to visit under false pretenses. I am betrothed to another man.”
    “Yes, I am aware of your longstanding commitment,” Margaret said, “Regardless of your situation, I would still like to further our acquaintance.” Margaret smiled and patted her hand, before turning away and scanning the marketplace.
    “Favian is probably wondering where we have gotten to. Ah, there he is now.” Cathryn glanced in the same direction as Margaret, and was rewarded with the sight of Favian scanning the crowds with narrowed eyes. A moment later he saw them, and turning in their direction, quickly closed the distance.
    “I was beginning to wonder whether I would ever find you again in this crowd,” Favian said to his mother.
    “I have no fear of that,” responded his parent. Turning to Cathryn, she added, “He has the eyes of a hawk.”
    Cathryn turned to look at Favian with eyebrows raised.
    “Eyes of a hawk and ears of a bat. You are a man of startling abilities, Master Drake. Do you have the nose of a bloodhound too?”
    Favian flashed a quick frown at his mother, composing his features into a bland expression as he returned his gaze to Cathryn.
    “Perhaps I do. Should we test it out on you?” He took a step towards her, and grinned when she hurriedly stepped back. “You know,” he said with a slight smirk, “if my mother wasn’t here I would tell you that I already know your scent is like that of the early morning air laden with dew, with a hint of roses, but I would not wish to embarrass her.”
    Margaret coughed beside her, and Cathryn glared at Favian, suppressing a sharp retort.
    “It would appear you have failed in your intention, Master Drake,” she said, glaring at him. Turning to Margaret, she dropped a small curtsey. “Madame Drake, I will see you tomorrow.”

Chapter 10 
    Cathryn paused on her way to the Bradshaws' the following morning, glancing around the street. In the daylight it looked quite benign, but it was here, under cover of darkness, that she had seen strange glowing lights, heard eerie silences and felt suspicious breezes. There was nothing threatening now, and after a moment she carried on walking in the direction of the Bradshaws’.
    Margaret was seated in the back parlor when Cathryn arrived, and rising, took Cathryn by the hands and led her to a seat beside her own.
    “Make yourself comfortable, my dear. I am so delighted you were able to call upon me this morning, since I leave at first light tomorrow,” Margaret said.
    “Do you travel alone?” Cathryn asked.
    “Oh, no. My husband is coming into town to fetch me.” She sighed with a smile. “I am always happy to return home since I miss my garden when I am away. Each day there is something new to see, and at the moment it is coming into full bloom.”
    “That sounds lovely,” Cathryn said wistfully. “I have lived my whole life in town, but have always imagined what it would be like to have private gardens to wander in. Does your estate include woods?”
    “Yes, there are woods to the east of the house, which will be purple with bluebells, and beyond the gardens there is wilderness, where wildflowers grow in profusion. At the moment it will be full of wild daffodils and crocuses.” Margaret watched Cathryn closely as she spoke, before rising and offering her a glass of wine from a pitcher

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