Driven Lust
James stepped inside and held an
arm across his eyes, fending off the fluorescent color. “Egad
    "Oh! I have more pink than this." she
reached in a drawer and pulled out something. "Even my toys!" and
showed him a pink little dildo.
    "Tell me the paint doesn't glow in the
dark." James responded.
    She laughed and said, "No, but my night
light makes it seem like it!"
    James suspected any light would just reflect
all the pink, even candle light. Her bed was a king size, he noted.
Thinking of his being a single, he just had to ask, "How do I get a
bed this size?"
    "Oh, just buy it." she said
matter-of-factly, and it sounded so simple to James all of a
    What time do you work out?" Lisa asked.
    "I hit the campus gym at 7:00 Am." he
    "Oh, we got a gym here. I'll knock on your
door at quarter till tomorrow." she suggested.
    "Fantastic, I'd like to see the gym."
wondering why he didn't get that on the tour. That would save him
from joining a public gym.
    They talked a bit more but James wanted to
arrange his room before his appointment. She offered to help and
followed him over.
    "Say, where's the bathroom?" James wondered
    "We each have our own." walking over to a
panel door and sliding it back. It was complete with shower, sink,
and toilet.
    "Hope you had towels to bring. Cat doesn't
supply them. She says she supplies enough crap as it is." and
    "This being two stories below ground, is
there a problem with claustrophobia?" James was curious about cabin
    "Not if you use this." Lisa said, snatching
up the remote from the dresser. She turned the vent on and another
button gave a camera view of outside, displaying on his outer wall.
He could see the sun setting in real time.
    "That is over the top." James exclaimed,
amazed at the view. He could see the pool and beyond.
    "What day did you get off?" Lisa asked.
    "I have got to say, that never occurred to
me to ask." James told her, setting his pictures on the
    "Probably Sunday ... although it doesn't
feel like a day off." she figured.
    "Why?" he wondered, as it seemed to be a
good question.
    "Because, it doesn't really seem like you're
working anyway." she explained, gathering socks from a box and
stowing them in a drawer.
    "It sounds almost too good to be true."
James thought out loud.
    "Oh, you can tell me that when you're
fucking a 300 pound rhino and they want on top." she giggled,
pulling his underwear out of a box. "You do strictly boxers? You
need bikini underwear. This crap won't work at all."
    Embarrassed over a girl looking at his
underwear, plus the fact that she mentioned something he didn't
consider appropriate made him turn red.
    "Bashful? You'll lose that soon enough!" she
told him, tossing his underwear in with his socks.
    "Dry cleaners pick up at 9am every Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday. Make sure you drop them at the counter
before then." she instructed as she pulled out his slut mags. "What
have we here?"
    James made an attempt at taking them from
her. Lisa was quicker, "Whoah! Slow your roll big fella!" holding
up her hand, "I like these too ya know! Learn to share." and
started leafing through the stack.
    "Well, a man must make do." James
    "My tits are bigger than hers." Lisa held up
a picture of a girl tonguing a cock. "Maybe I should model."
    James looked at the magazine then at Lisa's
chest, "I really can't tell." he said, and then grinned.
    She huffed at him and said, "Your memory is
that bad?" as she twisted right and left.
    "Well, I could use a reminder." he
    "Oh, you can't get excited now. You have a
meeting at nine, remember?" she advised, looking at her wrist.
There was no watch on it.
    James pulled out his phone to check the
time. Crap, it's close to nine now! "Crap, where do I go? I got ten
    Lisa picked up the intercom and asked,
"Virgil, where is Madam?" and listened.
    "Thanks!" and hung up.
    "Second floor balcony." she informed
    "Quickest way?" he

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