EllRay Jakes is a Rock Star!

EllRay Jakes is a Rock Star! by Sally Warner

Book: EllRay Jakes is a Rock Star! by Sally Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sally Warner
squealing as she jumps up and down in distress. So I hold the door open for her like a gentleman.
    â€œThanks,” she and her friend say, racing into the bathroom.
    â€œHe did it,” Stanley says, almost looking disappointed.
    â€œYou did it,” Jared says, slapping my hand. “Those girls in the bathroom were really mad ! It sounded like they were gonna get you good. You got your rock, dude,” he adds, heading off down the hall. “Tomorrow.”
    â€œIt’s a crystal ,” I yell after him—even though another rule around here is no yelling in the halls.
    But they were right—I did it! And I’ll get all six crystals back.
    â€œCongratulations,” Emma says, as if she can read my mind.
    â€œMr. Jakes?” a lady’s voice says, and I turn around, my worn-out heart thudding hard once more.
    A woman steps out of the doorway opposite the girls’ bathroom. I think she’s one of the fifth grade teachers, and she’s been spying on us. Listening in, anyway.
    â€œWould you care to explain yourself?” she asks. “What on earth were you doing in the girls’ bathroom?”
    Emma and Annie Pat look like statues, they’re so scared. But they don’t have to worry. I’m not gonna get them in trouble, too. I owe them.
    And even if I didn’t owe them, I wouldn’t say a word, because—this is my fault.

    I started the whole crazy thing when I gave away my dad’s crystals.
    Just because I wanted something to brag about.
    â€œCat got your tongue, Mr. Jakes?” the lady asks, staring at me hard, like she really thinks there might be an invisible cat hanging from my mouth.
    â€œI guess,” I mumble.
    â€œHmph,” she says, almost snorting. “Well, come along with me, young man, and we’ll see what the principal has to say about this.”
    The principal!
    Not again.
    I was only trying to make things right with my dad, and now:
    1. I have to make Annie Pat something cool to put in her aquarium so her fish won’t be bored.
    2. I have to give Emma money for half a candy bar for her mom.
    3. I have to wade through all of Kevin’s junk after school.
    4. And I have to bring Cynthia very expensive-sounding flowers tomorrow, on an official romantic day for girls, and she wants me to give them to her in front of the whole class, which I can’t even stand to think about doing.
    5. And on top of all that, I’m in trouble with the principal?
    I will never look another crystal in the face again for as long as I live!

    â€œWell, Mr. Jakes—so we meet again,” the principal says, smiling.
    He’s actually smiling! I guess he likes having kids dragged into his office.
    Okay, I wasn’t really dragged, but I might as well have been. It’s not as if I have a choice about being here.
    â€œPlease take a seat,” the principal says.
    I’m so scared that I forget his actual name. I can spell principal, though, because Ms. Sanchez always reminds us, “The principal is your pal, do you see? The word ends in P-A-L.” Like that’s a really fun thing. HAH.
    The principal does try to be nice and say hi to every kid in the morning. He usually calls us “Mister” and “Miss,” probably because he thinks that will make us act better.
    But I had to go into his office once already this year, and that was one time too many, in my opinion.
    And— do you honestly think my dad’s not gonna hear about this?
    â€œSo, EllRay,” the principal says, petting the side of his beard. “I hear you strayed into the girls’ restroom. What’s up with that?”
    â€œI’m sorry. I made a mistake,” I say, trying to look him in the eye so he’ll think I’m telling him the truth.
    â€œWell, yes, you did make a mistake,” he says. “But are you trying to tell me that you didn’t realize it was the girls’

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