so he could look at it later, savor it. But he’d have to be content with remembering the moment instead. Remembering Jessica’s face, pink, her lips, parted, her eyes squeezed shut at each stinging slap.
    He had to have her.
    “I remember, Mistress Lauren,” Jessica said. “I’m fine, I’m not safewording.”
    “Good girl,” Roman murmured, barely aware he’d spoken out loud.
    Lauren looked up at him and winked. “I’ve been going so easy on you, Jess,” she said. “You’d never be able to handle one of Roman’s spankings.”
    Jessica gasped. “Oh my God, you’re right—please don’t let him spank me, ma’am.”
    “I don’t know, my hand’s getting tired, and that tiny ass of yours is barely even pink.” Lauren grinned, though Jessica couldn’t see it.
    Roman appreciated Lauren’s unique brand of domination. She liked to play mind games with her subs. One thing a woman could always have over a sub, even if he was a man twice her size, was psychological domination, if not physical.
    Jessica arched her back and looked up at Roman, her eyes wide. “I’ve been trying to be good, am I not doing this right?”
    Roman laughed. “You look like you’re doing wonderfully, to me. What do you think, Mistress Lauren?”
    “Oh,” Lauren said, rubbing Jessica’s bottom through her bikini. “I think she’s doing pretty well. She’s just too sensitive.”
    “Do you like it?” Roman asked. He felt since Lauren had drawn him into the scene he could talk to Jessica more intimately. He got down on one knee, so his face was near hers as she hung over Lauren’s lap. “Do you like getting spanked?”
    “It hurts,” Jessica whispered.
    “I didn’t ask if it hurts,” he said. “I asked if you like it.”
    And then, Jessica nodded, her blonde hair falling over her face. “I think I do. But you’re so much stronger than she is. I’m afraid of getting spanked by you.”
    Was Roman imagining it, or was there a glint of desire in the girl’s eyes when she said that?
    Lauren gave her another smack, on the back of her thigh, making Jessica kick her leg up in the air in surprise. “I don’t know you yet, sweetie, so I can’t tell if you’re playing or not. Do you consent to Roman spanking you? It’s okay if you don’t.”
    Jessica moaned as if in confusion before looking back up. She sat up, maneuvering herself off Lauren’s lap, then stood with her head down, her hands clasped in front of her chest.
    “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I think I’ve had enough for my first time. I know I’m totally wimping out. But . . .” She glanced at Roman under her long lashes. “It’s nothing personal. I just don’t know if my ass can take a real sadist right now.” She laughed nervously and looked at the tile floor.
    Roman smiled to ease her discomfort. “Not much of a masochist, huh?”
    Jessica wouldn’t look at him. “I don’t know, sir.”
    “Why don’t you check?” Lauren suggested, grinning. “I’m curious, myself.”
    Marc shifted on the stool, and Roman knew he was doing the change-position-because-of-the-bulge move, like Roman had done earlier.
    “Check?” Jessica asked. “What do you mean? Ma’am. Sorry. Ma’am.”
    Lauren laughed. “Well, at least we know spanking helps you remember rules. But you only have to call me ma’am or Mistress during a scene, not after. You sort of ended it.”
    “I’m sorry,” Jessica said, and glanced at Marc, as if to apologize to him as well.
    “It’s fine, we want you to enjoy yourself,” Marc said. “That’s why Lauren was wondering if you wanted to take a little feel and see if your body became aroused during the spanking.”

    J essica flushed, feeling stupid for not understanding sooner. “Finger myself, you mean?”
    Marc nodded, and looked at Lauren, who shrugged. “You don’t have to, honey. It was just a thought.”
    Before she could overthink it, Jessica put her hand in her bikini bottom, running her middle finger over her

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