Everything I want: Will Alfie and Lily's love survive?...

Everything I want: Will Alfie and Lily's love survive?... by K. L. Shandwick

Book: Everything I want: Will Alfie and Lily's love survive?... by K. L. Shandwick Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. L. Shandwick
I’ve done that. And to tell you that you’re going to be a star, honey. You and your band were great out there today. You’ve come a long way from the shy, little girl I had sitting beside me on the campus lawn, blus hing.”
    Smirking when I looked up at him, his face softened again. “I guess I have, but as for the star part, I have never been interested in fame and fortune, Alfie. I’m already wealthy, and I’m not really one that relishes being in the limelight. It has always been about the music for me, that’s why we would have never worked. I have dreams, too, but in another life… who knows what we could have had toge ther.”
    I turned and pulled the dressing room door open and as I was walking through the door, Alfie’s voice was barely audible, but I heard him say, “I’m never going to give up on you, Lily Par nell.”
    Managing a weak smile at Drew, I dropped my head and hurried back down the dark passage to the exit, sucking up the emotions that were threatening to engulf me. Fighting with every ounce of strength I had in me not to turn back and run into his arms.
    I was physically shaking from the exchange between us, and my body was aching to experience everything he used to make me feel. I was not going to allow myself to do that though. Not when I’d come so far a gain.
    Running toward the security barrier to take me outside, I felt Lennon’s long fingers wrapped around my wrist. “Drew told me where you were so I waited out here for you. I thought maybe you could use a friend. Digs already left and took the others home.”
    I smiled affectionately at Lennon. Touched. He was still looking out for me. He always seemed to be one step ahead and in tune to just what support I needed and when I needed it the most.
    “Thanks, you’re too good to me, Lennon, what did I ever do to deserve you?” I mumbled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side.
    We headed over to his car over in the field parking lot. A couple of high school boys came toward us, and one started bouncing on his toes.
    “Lennon, Lily, can we get your autographs, please?” I raked around in my purse and found a pen. I had some post-it notes in my bag as well. “Is this okay?” I gestured at the small lime green pad.
    The taller of the boys grinned. “Sure, anything, Lily, I think you’re incredible,” he swooned and wiped his sweaty palms down the thighs of his j eans.
    “What’s your name h oney?”
    I could see he was a little starstruck. It reminded me of when I first met Rick Fars, the lead singer of Cobham Street. His friend nudged him. “Bradley,” he squeaked out, his voice getting caught in his throat, before he cleared it and tried again, “Bradley.” He managed to make it sound lower this time.
    His friend was much more self- assured and cocky. He was smirking. “Bradley here has a ‘thing’ for you, don’t ya Brad?” he teased making quotations with his fingers on the word t hing.
    Bradley blushed and held his body awkwardly. “Jeez, Denver, thanks,” he huffed. My eyes glanced at Lennon, who was graciously trying to remain passive about Denver’s admis sion.
    Smiling warmly at him, “Well, you know Bradley, if I was like about eight years younger, you’d have definitely have had a shot with me.” I winked. I handed the note I’d been writing for him.
    Bradley’s eyes flicked to Denver, a smug look crossing his face as he looked down at the post-it I’d given him.
    To Bradley, you’re going to break someone’s heart with those good looks of yours one day. Thank you for coming to see us play at ‘On the Verge of Fame.’
    With Love
    Lily Parnell xx X rAid.
    A wide grin spread across his face, which was slightly flushed now. “Thanks, Lily.” I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. His hand flew up and caressed where my mouth had been.
    Lennon finished signing his post-it and handed one to each of the boys. “I’ll skip on the kiss if that’s okay with you,

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