Ex-girl to the Next Girl

Ex-girl to the Next Girl by Daaimah S. Poole

Book: Ex-girl to the Next Girl by Daaimah S. Poole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daaimah S. Poole
face without some money.”
    â€œWe just paid the rent, Mom,” Toya whined.
    â€œGirl, you owe me,” she said as she placed a fifty in her hand.
    After shopping, I went home by myself. My house was a spacious, two-bedroom house. It was a three bedroom house, but the previous owner knocked the dividing wall out for extra space. One room was my office/dressing room/closet. I kept all my grades, my computer, my rows and rows of shoes in there. I ran out of closet space, so I had to buy extra portable closets. I took off my clothes and ran a hot bath. I checked my voice mail—Erick was on there a few times telling me how much he loved me and didn’t want us to be over. I erased them. I was already just enjoying being alone. It felt so good to have all my pillows to myself. I spread my legs across the bed and stretched my legs wide open. I was single and loving it. And now that I’m single, I can go out and have fun and not check in with anyone. I’m beautiful, fun, sexy, and I don’t mind paying for a date with a guy I like. So I should have no problem finding Erick’s replacement.

Chapter 6
    T ae called me up and asked me did I want to go out with her to get garlic Dungeness crabs from this bar around her way called Scooter’s.
    â€œNo, Malik wants to chill—we went to the movies the other night.”
    â€œYo, you tripping. I would not be staying in the house for no man.”
    â€œHe ain’t some man . Let me talk to you later, okay?” I said, irritated as I disconnected the call. Tae is so jealous of my relationship with Malik. She really misses our days going out. I missed them, too, but she had to understand that I have a man and every time there was a party, I couldn’t just jump up and go. She goes out all the time, but once she gets a man she won’t be worried about me. She is going through a little drought; I need to find her a man. Then she will understand that I can’t run the street like I used to. I felt a little guilty for not being there for my girl, though. She was always there for me when I needed her. I didn’t want to completely neglect her. It was still early, only eight o’clock. Malik wasn’t here yet, and Bree was with Brian. Maybe I could go out with her real fast. I looked real quick at the clock in the kitchen. Even though I was really tired, I called Tae back and told her I would go. She was so happy. If I go out with her, she’ll find a man and won’t be mad at me. Then I called Malik to fill him in on my plans.
    â€œMalik, what you about to do?” I asked.
    â€œI was going to hang out with Jarrod for a minute. Why?”
    â€œI think I’m about to go out with Tae real quick. Okay?”
    â€œGo ahead. I’ll see you in the house later on,” he said.
    â€œI love you, baby,” I said.
    â€œLove you, too!”
    I met up with Tae at her mom’s house. I beeped the horn once and Tae came out in jeans, timbs, and a black leather jacket. She had a sandy brown short weave that went with her complexion.
    â€œI just need to meet a man. I want to be in love. I want to get married,” she said, once in my car.
    â€œWhat, get married?”
    â€œYeah, girl, it’s time. I need to settle down.”
    â€œIt will happen. You got to take your time.”
    â€œIt’s not happening fast enough,” she pouted.
    â€œYou weren’t like this before. What is happening to you? Why are you so caught up with having a man?” I asked, looking over at her.
    â€œI don’t know. I just want a husband. I’m looking around and all my friends are settling down.”
    â€œWell, calm down—maybe you’ll meet your husband tonight.”
    Judging by the bar scene, Tae was probably not going to meet her man. It was a bunch of regulars hanging around on a Wednesday night. I don’t know how many new people Tae thought she might run into in a

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