Feros and the Underworld Prince
of his ass. Chunks of snake rain down as I turn towards Ahriman; I don’t care if he is king of the Daeva, he is still only from a mid-tier pantheon so I shouldn’t have too much trouble.
    I start the draw for the Mu-cutter while Ahriman is distracted. Ahriman realizes that he is in over his head as the Mu-cutter connects. He makes a run for it, but I rush forward and slice through neck before he reaches the door. I proceed to quarter his headless body as a precaution.
    “ Cole… your arm…” Cheza says from across the room with tears in her eyes. Control of my body is relinquished to me.
    “ Tis but a scratch!” I say as my helmet retracts. 3
    “ A SCRATCH!? YOUR ARM’S OFF!” Jason shouts while doing a perfect impression of King Arthur.
    “ No it isn’t… I’m glad that you’re safe, Cheza.” I say as I walk towards her.
    Cheza sprints forward and hugs me in response. I suddenly hear crying that I realize isn’t coming from Cheza; I look over and see that it’s Jason who’s crying while sporting something else.
    “ Why do you have an erection!?” I ask incredulously.
    “ Because I’m happy?” Jason replies.
    I call bullshit as I realize that he has probably seen every single time Cheza and I have had sex, including the time I can’t remember because of the fairy alcohol.
    “ Really!? It’s not that every time you see us, you’re reminded of us having sex!?” I shout.
    “ IT CAN’T BE BOTH!?” Jason shouts back as I start to feel woozy.
    “ NAIA!” I yell while struggling to remain conscious. Naia appears on the upper balcony, looking over the railing.
    “ Cole! You are injured!” Naia exclaims as she expands her wings and glides down to our position.
    “ Yeah, but I’ll be okay Naia… let’s get out of this place everybody.” I say as the pain from my arm starts to catch up to me.
    “ Umm, Cole? Who are you talking to?” Nahid asks as everybody looks at me like I’m mentally unsound. They can’t see her…
    (Hold out your right hand; you’re welcome)
    I do so and watch as a black bangle forms in my hand before I give it to Naia.
    “ Here, put this on.” I tell her and she does so without resistance.
    “ WHOA!” Jason, Nahid, and Cheza exclaim. I’ll take that as affirmation that they can see her now.
    “ This is Naia, she was in the cell with me and… she has amnesia… we’re taking her… with us.” I say as my vision darkens. I fall to the ground just before consciousness slips my grasp.

    Chapter 10: Misunderstandings
    I find myself floating in darkness once again.
    “ The west face is that which is used to create. The north face is used to preserve and heal. In combination, the capability to restore limbs is bestowed.” The overlapping voice echoes.
    “ What, no rhyming?”
    [September 8th]
    “ So what is your relationship with Cole?” I hear Cheza ask from my right side as I regain consciousness to a dull throbbing from the remains of my left arm.
    “ Cole was the first…” Naia responds quietly, also from my right side.
    “ What a coincidence, he was mine too.” Nahid responds from elsewhere in the room.
    “ Same here.” Reyna says from the same direction as Nahid.
    “ Eh…? Cole, you’d better hope that you don’t wake up. ” Cheza maliciously whispers into my ear.
    Misunderstandings: Lack of context is crucial. I’m guessing that I’m the first person that could see her, to Naia; the first person that defeated her in combat, to Nahid; and I’m not entirely certain what Reyna is referring to… first guy to drink blood from?
    “ But don’t worry; I’ve been using Jason for that lately.” Reyna adds, making me think that my guess was correct.
    I think the best possible thing I can do right now is feign sleep. The voice in my dream was obviously talking about a way for me to create a new arm, but I don’t really get it… Maybe Airi will be able to offer some assistance.
    “ Hey Airi, can you help me make a new

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