killer had gone out to murder someone and waited for the right moment.” Brophy paused. He pressed his lips together. His eyes squinted. “That’s not how this one went down. This was a rendezvous.”
    “ A rendezvous?”
    “ Talked to Caputo’s family. Seemed to be a good kid. No trouble with the law. Worked hard. Went to Framingham State. Didn’t learn much from his mother. Too shook up. He was her only kid. Don’t think she knows anything anyway, but the kid’s cousin, Marie, reluctantly told us something of interest. Caputo was gay. Hadn’t come out to his mother. She thought that Caputo might have been meeting up with a friend.”
    “ Have you confirmed it?”
    “ Took the computer. Looked over his cell phone.”
    “ If you are telling me that you believe we have a serial killer going after gays…the press is going to have a field day.”
    “ That’s just it. I don’t think the first two had anything to do with the guys being gay. Don’t think they were. This murder is different. Don’t you think it’s strange that in the first two murders, there was absolutely no evidence, only the knife and the method of death? No fingerprints, no witnesses, no DNA. Nothing.”
    Centrello went silent for a moment. Thinking hard, he exhaled heavily . “You think it’s a copycat of some sort.”
    “ Don’t see how. No one had the information about the exact knife or method. It was only released they were stabbing victims. No, this guy knew how he wanted to kill. Just doesn’t seem like the same guy. My instincts are telling me we have a dangerous killer or killers on the loose. Maybe it’s some sadistic game.
    “ The killer set up this meeting. Told Caputo where to meet and the time. Then he kills him and exits the car, dripping in blood. It has to be all over his car…SUV. We have identified a suspicious vehicle that was in the parking lot at the time of the killing.”
    Centrello’s eyes lit up. He sat back in his chair. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me that at the beginning?”
    “ That’s not all,” Brophy went on. “We have the name of the registered owner, a Daniel Quinn. The computer techs are working on a trace on the IP address on Caputo’s computer, to a computer at Eastern University. The first hit seems to have come from Daniel Quinn’s kid, Zach, a sophomore at the college. Don’t think it’s too far-fetched to believe that Quinn loaned his car to his son. I’m meeting up with Waters. We are going to bring him in for questioning.”
    Centrello nodded, seemingly pleased with the information. Brophy made a move to walk out the door. Centrello stopped him, “One thing, Brophy. This is top priority. Play it by the book. Don’t want anything to come back at us on this one.
    “ I expect the FBI to step in at any moment. There’s talk of a possible connection to murders out of state, but I want this one, Brophy.”
    “ Yes, sir,” Brophy replied, comprehending clearly what his captain wanted.
    “ Oh, one more thing. Heard that Kennedy is thinking of leaving the DA’s office. It would be a shame.”
    Brophy shrugged. “Didn’t know that, but I haven’t talked with him lately. Been busy myself.”
    “ That’s what I understand. Sometimes burying yourself in your work is the best remedy. I expect your full focus.”
    “ Of course, Captain.”
    Captain Centrello gave a knowing nod. Brophy knew instantly Centrello was aware of his divorce. A good commander would make it a point to know about the private problems of those under his command. He hadn’t mentioned it to anyone other than Waters —hadn’t wanted to flaunt his failed marriage, but wives talk. Someone always does. No matter how hard he tried to keep it from the guys, he would have to admit it was common knowledge.
    Couldn’t worry about it now. Centrello was right. It was best to stay busy. He had a case to solve.
    * * * *
    Walking up the steps to her apartment, a chill wind encircled Cameron. She pulled her coat

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