Full Moon Lockdown
licked that marvelously thick-corded neck. Sloan smelled like fresh air with just a hint of the man he was. Crawling farther, he took control of the situation and crawled on top of Sloan’s lap. Feeling Sloan’s massive hands rest on his lower back, Colin shivered as he leaned in to kiss Sloan’s full lips. Excitement washed over him, and he finally felt alive, not just a body walking day to day. More. He craved more of this man.
    Sloan slowly lay down, and Colin gratefully followed, never parting his mouth from those luscious lips. Taking a chance, he began nibbling them until Sloan opened up, giving him full access to deepen the kiss.
    Rubbing his body over Sloan's, Colin could feel Sloan’s erection through his shorts. Moaning, Colin began to touch the hard, compact muscles of Sloan’s arms, chest, working his way down to his abs.
    Colin had fucking lost control, and he didn’t flippin' care whatsoever. His shirt slid up, and Colin felt the small heated contact as their abdomens touched. Hard, ripped and smooth, Colin wanted to feel more of that delicious skin.
    Pulling back for only a moment, sitting on Sloan’s lap, Colin ripped his shirt off, seeing that Sloan was just lying there panting. Finally, his brain kicked back into gear.
    “Do you want to…” Colin’s cheeks heated, unable to finish. Sheesh, it wasn’t like he was a virgin. Even pre-shifters enjoyed sex, but for some odd reason, he felt a little shy at this moment. Was it because they hadn’t done much and were skipping a whole lot of steps? Probably. Or was it that he was actually initiating it after knowing Sloan only a couple of weeks? Definitely.
    Sloan reached up and pushed Colin's hair out of his face. “Before we do anything, tell me where your head is at. I need to know this before we go any further.”
    “I want this. Want to be with you.” Colin leaned into Sloan’s hand as he cupped his face.
    “Are you ready for this?” Sloan’s hazel eyes stared up in concern.
    Colin laughed. “I’m hardly a virgin, Sloan.” Shifters were pretty sexual. They didn’t usually wait very long before becoming intimate with anyone. Kind of an amazing change coming to the compound and seeing such a difference in the shifters there. He saw such a mix of shifters, from those who were extremely sexual to those that were not thinking about being intimate at all. Some were using it to help ease the stress, and some were the polar opposite—too worried about the shift to even think of sex.
    “That’s not what I’m talking about, Colin. Are you ready for this?”
    Oh. Colin glanced down, staring at his hands on Sloan’s chest. The man was worried about him being ready after all he had been through. His affection for the man grew that Sloan would be so patient with him.
    “I’m ready to be with you, Sloan,” Colin whispered.
    “We only met a couple of weeks ago. We can wait.” Sloan reached for his hand, bringing it to his mouth and kissing the palm.
    “Do you not want to?” Was Colin coming off as too forward?
    “No, I want to, but I just want this to be right. I want to be with you. I really want to be with you. I care about you a lot,” Sloan murmured.
    Colin leaned down and kissed Sloan’s lips slowly before pulling back just a breath's length. “I care about you, and this feels right.”
    Sloan didn’t wait another second to lean up, reconnecting their lips. Colin was rolled, and soon, Sloan was bare-chested, reaching for his shorts. The man was growling, and his eyes were shining with need. Colin shivered at seeing the look of possessiveness cross Sloan’s chiseled features.
    Lifting his hips, Colin felt the warm summer air kiss his skin as Sloan pulled his shorts off. Colin went to reach for Sloan, but the man was already taking care of his own shorts. Sloan was utterly breathtaking, short dark hair on his massive chest with a small trail that led down to a hard, thick cock, which made Colin’s mouth water with needing to taste

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