Gods Of Blood And Fire (Book 1)

Gods Of Blood And Fire (Book 1) by A. J. Strickler

Book: Gods Of Blood And Fire (Book 1) by A. J. Strickler Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. J. Strickler
overseeing your health. Before you know it you will be out on the balcony with me having breakfast and watching the birds. I’m simply tired of you being sick; you haven’t even been out to see the garden at all this spring.”
    The old King stroked her hair. “Why don’t you ask Cain to have a meal with you? Both of you are older now and should try to get along with one another, it would please me a great deal.”
    “He wouldn’t come if I asked him, Cain will be insufferable now that he is home and you’re ill. He will play at being King ordering everyone about, and you know he will be especially unpleasant to me.”
    King Aaron patted her arm. “Your brother might be a little overzealous, but he will be a great help to Marin and William running the Kingdom. Cain is very smart, you should try to win him over, my dear, one day he may be of use to you.”
    “My brother is an ass, he should be the one that is trying to win me over.” The King started to laugh but coughed instead. Raygan rolled over so she could see his face; his smiles had become as rare as desert rain.
    “Sometimes you sound very much like your mother. She thought the world should bend to her will as well. What a beautiful, strong woman she was. I wish you could have known her, my dear, it is one of many regrets I have. She was truly something to behold, and she would have loved you more than I do if that is possible.”
    Raygan thought that he must have loved her mother a great deal, it sometimes made her almost jealous when he talked about her. Hopefully when she married she would love her husband that much, but she was fifteen—still young and not ready to be anyone’s wife. There was still too much to do before she was tied down to some man, and the thought of bearing children simply terrified her.
    The King turned to his daughter and looked into her eyes. “I miss your mother, it will be good to see her again. Now I want you to hear me, my pet, you must make peace with the fact that I am dying. Lord Selmac said it could be anytime. You should prepare yourself.”
    Raygan’s mouth turned down into a frown. “I don’t care what he said, you are not dying. You’re going to be fine, you just need to rest and get some fresh air and eat. Yes, eating is good; from now on I am going to bring you every meal myself.” She could feel the tears begin to run down her face, she didn’t want to hear her father talk like this.
    She tried to get up, but the King pulled her close and patted her head. “There, there, my sweet. Even as beautiful as you are, you can’t charm death. It’s my time, but while I have a little strength left there is something I want you to help me do.”
    She wiped the tears from her face. “You know I will help you with anything you ask father. Just tell me what I can do.”
    The old King looked at his daughter. “I would like to sit on my throne and hold court one more time.”
    “Why would you need me for that, just order you servants to handle the details? I am happy to help, but I don’t understand why you would need me?”
    “Finn and Marin won’t let me. They said I am too weak and the strain would be too hard on my body. I have come to think they know more about my health than I do. My servants have been instructed not to follow my commands on anything but my personal needs.”
    Raygan’s eyes flashed with anger. “How dare they, an over blown priest and a barber. Just because they are council members gives them no authority over their King, ill or not.”
    The King smiled sadly, “When you grow old and weak your rank becomes less important. They all know I am finished. I am starting to think they know it for a fact now.” Raygan looked at her father confused. “What do you mean they know for a fact? Only God know things like that.”
    They brought your brother back from his studies in Asqutania, and now I’m told they have been trying to curry favor with Cain. They know he will be King soon. I suppose

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