Head Over Heels
woman know when he was interested, but tonight he seemed like a fumbling idiot.
    “Have I told you how lovely you look?”
    “Yes, right before you kissed me.”
    “Are you complaining?”
    “Just answering your question.” She smiled seductively.
    “Well, here’s another question for you. Is your cell phone off?”
    She frowned in confusion. “No, why?”
    “Because I don’t want to chance you running off again. I let you escape once. I won’t make that mistake again.”
    “I’m here aren’t I?” She took a sip of her wine, a coy smile hovering over her lips.
    “Yes, but just think where you could have been if you hadn’t left.” Taking her free hand in his, he rubbed his thumb over the soft flesh of her wrist. He could hear her breath catch at the caress.
    “And where is that?”
    “My bed.” Just saying the words made the image pop into his brain. Cyn, nude, lying across his bed, with her arms spread wide and welcoming.
    “The night is still young.”
    “Is that a promise?” He certainly hoped so.
    “No,” she laughed. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep.”
    “Then keep it.” His fingers glided along her arm and he watched as her body reacted to his touch. He could tell she was just as attuned to him as he was to her.
    “What am I going to do with you?”

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    “I can think of many things.”
    “Feel free to share?”
    “I don’t think you’re ready for that just yet.”
    “Then think again.” Her teasing words had an arousing effect on him. Suddenly, she was no longer a passive party in his subtle game of flirtation. She was a full-out accomplice.
    Last Saturday hadn’t been a fluke. There was something between them, so much stronger than simple desire.

    Head over Heels

Chapter Five
    After dinner, Parker suggested they drive over to Delilah’s Jook Joint, a local jazz club off the Bay. It was a stark contrast to the restaurant where they’d just eaten. Where Agua was a four star crème de la crème eatery, Delilah’s wasn’t on any tourist maps. It was a local club with dark, seedy music that spoke to the soul. Definitely not the type of place Cyn would have imagined Parker would haunt.
    Since she’d driven to the restaurant, she followed him over to the club in her car, using the time alone to think back over the evening. Just like the first time she met him, Parker blew her away. He was cute as hell and twice as charming. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so drawn to anyone. From the first moment she laid eyes on him in the restaurant, she’d known without a doubt where the night would lead.
    It was very easy to see why he was sought after by the media and women. He had a way of looking a person directly in the eyes when he talked to them, making them feel as if they were the only one in the room. Even Cyn, who considered herself jaded and schooled, felt a tingle after talking to him for mere minutes.
    Noticing the time, Cyn reached across the center divide to the passenger seat and wrestled her purse open. As she wove through traffic she pulled out her cell phone and turned it on. Using the speed dial she called Miller. The phone rang only twice before it was promptly answered.
    “Do you know what time it is?” Miller her protector tore into her as she knew he would. He was her safety call, something she was supposed to have done over an hour ago.
    “My bad. The time completely ran away from me.”
    “No excuses. I’ve called your cell phone three times.”

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    “I had it off,” she meekly said. The sad thing was Cyn knew better. Lord knows she’d chewed Miller’s ear off for the same offense so many times before. The way the world was today, a person had to be careful.
    “Off,” he bellowed. “What in the world for?”
    “Because I’m on a date and I didn’t want to be disturbed.”
    “Of all the irresponsible things to

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