Holly Hearts Headlines (Holly Hearts Hollywood Book 2)
most days. Everyone uses credit cards now. I don’t even know how to write a check. So when Betty Lou handed me a STACK of cash for the Barbie dolls I almost didn’t even know what to do with it.
    Seriously, I’ve never held this much money in my hands at one time. What am I going to do with this? Normally I’d go out and buy myself more things for my collections but I think that would be counterproductive at this point.
    I don’t really need anything though. I have enough clothes and shoes to last me for forever (or at least until I go up or down a size, but let’s be real, I’m probably not going down a size anytime soon) and for right now I don’t have any food or board expenses. Maybe I should just put the money into a bank account and save it.
    Later, 2:15pm—Home
    I spoke to Serena a while ago and she suggested that I give the money to a charity!
    “There’s an event I’m going to tonight and you should totally come,” she said. “It’s a charity auction, but they auction off people instead.”
    “Wait, what?” I asked. “That sounds a little racist.”
    “Oh, no it is totally awesome! The organization is trying to create awareness about the sex trafficking industry, so to raise money young celebrities or socialites will be ‘auctioned’ off to the highest bidder. All of the money goes straight to saving girls from the industry and helping them find jobs and get therapy if they need it. I’m being auctioned tonight and last year I broke records with the amount of money people bid for me.”
    “Well, what do you expect me to do? This money may be a lot for my standards, but I doubt it is record charity auction material.”
    “There’s this girl who has been a part of the auction for a while now and every year practically no one bids on her. I can tell that it is really taking a toll on her self-esteem and I feel so bad for her. She’s a socialite and she’s Kim Kardashian’s neighbor. Her mom is constantly making her do stuff she doesn’t want to do for the sake of appearances. You should come and bid on her! You’ll make her feel better, and you’ll donate money to a good cause.”
    “Hm, I guess that’s not a bad idea.”
    “I’ll come pick you up at six o’clock. I’ll have my stylist, David, find something for you to wear and deliver it.”
    “Can’t I just wear one of the dresses I already have?”
    “This event is pretty fancy, Holly. I don’t want you to feel underdressed.”
    My first celebrity charity event! It seems incredibly weird that these people put on events that cost thousands of dollars in order to raise thousands of dollars, but whatever.
    Oh, someone knocked on the door. I think that Serena’s stylist is here already with the dress. Say what you want about the traffic in this city, but if you’re on a fashion-related mission you can get anything accomplished in lightning speed.
    Later, 4:50pm—Home
    Ivy wants to go with me, big surprise. She claims that if she’s going to be the president of her school’s fashion club she should get to see the latest celebrity fashions up close and personal.
    “Get a US Weekly subscription,” I told her.
    “Now that’s not fair!” Ivy protested. “You get to go to these things all the time, and I always stay home. Can’t you let me go this once?”
    So I cracked and told her that she could come along if she wanted. It obviously wasn’t my favorite choice, I don’t want to have to babysit her all night, but maybe if I take her to this event I can get her off my back about everything else.
    I called Serena immediately and she is having David come back with a dress for Ivy. Ivy’s current wardrobe definitely wouldn’t work. Acid wash jeans and platform sneakers are better suited for a Katy Perry music video than a high-profile celebrity charity gala.
    Later, 7:30pm—Car Ride to the Beverly Hills Hotel
    I’m all done up in a silver Alexander McQueen gown and Ivy actually looks

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